In this section, you will find information on how to use the ARXF-CP. This covers:
- your product installation and what the installed directory structure looks like.
- Getting Started examples, which should be the first steps to go through after the
product has been installed to verify the correct working of this product
- how to use the UML Target Debugger.
- how to use TestConductor to test the UML behavior of a SWC and inspect model coverage
- information about the Adaptation to AUTOSAR Authoring Tool artifacts used by the examples.
This allows you to use an AUTOSAR Authoring Tool to configure BSW and RTE to build and run the examples in an AUTOSAR environment.
- Best Practices with respect to using this product
- additional information about using the RXF for AUTOSAR Classic Platform (ARXF-CP)
- Uninstallation ARXF-CP