Adaptation Blinky Samples

Required artifacts from AUTOSAR

For the examples discussed in the Getting Started examples, you must configure various details in your AUTOSAR authoring tool in order to be able to build and run the examples.

The tables below give you an overview but you can also inspect the ArText files in subdirectories of <ARXF_CP_V8.0.1 installation folder>\ARXF_CP_V8.0.1\Samples\Autosar\ArText which serve as an example only.

Please note that the C symbol name for a runnable in a Rhapsody model is prefixed by the name of the SWC by default, see Profiles.

In the table below, the AUTOSAR names are used - not the symbol names.

For the SWC we need (see subdirectory RXFSimple-artext):
swcbprototype of SwcB
runnable / RTE event
RXFinit / one time init eventsymbol SwcB_initializeRxf
eventDispatcherSwc / cyclic every 10 msec symbol SwcB_eventDispatcherSwc
must match RXF_MS_PER_TICK on the Configuration tab of the RXF Configuration
OS task
task where eventDispatcherSwc runs it its context RXFInit may run in another context
exclusive area
mutexEventListSwceventDispatcherSwc needs explicit access ("can enter")
mutexMemoryPoolseventDispatcherSwc needs explicit access ("can enter")
mutexTimerListeventDispatcherSwc needs explicit access ("can enter")
rhapsodyTaskPointerSwc RXFInit needs readwrite access
eventDispatcherSwc needs read access
RTE contract

For the LED we need some API to switch on and off anything which can be tested.
BlinkySimple uses the API Rte_Call_Digital_LED_Write() see operations on() and off().
For the SWC we need (see subdirectory RXF-artext):
swca1prototype of SwcA
swca2prototype of SwcA
runnable / RTE event
RXFInit / one time init eventsymbol SwcA_initializeRxf
eventDispatcherSwc / cyclic. e.g. every 10 msec symbol SwcA_eventDispatcherSwc
must match RXF_MS_PER_TICK on the Configuration tab of the RXF ARXF-CP configuration
position 0
eventDispatcherSwc / trigger symbol SwcA_eventDispatcherSwc
See AUTOSAR section ARXF-CP Event Dispatcher
position 1
eventDispatcherController / trigger symbol SwcA_eventDispatcherController
OS task
task where eventDispatcherSwc and eventDispatcherSwc run it its context RXFInit may run in another context
task where eventDispatcherController runs it its own context
exclusive area
mutexEventListControllereventDispatcherController needs explicit access ("can enter")
mutexEventListSwceventDispatcherSwc needs explicit access ("can enter")
mutexMemoryPoolseventDispatcherSwc needs explicit access ("can enter")
mutexTimerListeventDispatcherSwc needs explicit access ("can enter")
rhapsodyTaskPointerSwc RXFInit needs write access, eventDispatcherSwc and eventDispatcherSwc need read access
rhapsodyTaskPointerController RXFInit needs write access, eventDispatcherController needs read access
RTE contract

swcbprototype of SwcB
runnable / RTE event
RXFInit / one time init eventsymbol SwcB_initializeRxf
eventDispatcherSwc / cyclic. e.g. every 10 msec symbol SwcB_eventDispatcherSwc
must match RXF_MS_PER_TICK on the Configuration tab of the RXF Configuration
position 0
eventDispatcherSwc / trigger symbol SwcB_eventDispatcherSwc
See AUTOSAR section ARXF-CP Event Dispatcher
position 1
eventDispatcherController / trigger symbol SwcB_eventDispatcherController
OS task
task where eventDispatcherSwc and eventDispatcherSwc run it its context RXFInit may run in another context
exclusive area
mutexEventListControllereventDispatcherController needs explicit access ("can enter")
mutexEventListSwceventDispatcherSwc needs explicit access ("can enter")
mutexMemoryPoolseventDispatcherSwc needs explicit access ("can enter")
mutexTimerListeventDispatcherSwc needs explicit access ("can enter")
rhapsodyTaskPointerSwcRXFInit needs write access, eventDispatcherSwc and eventDispatcherSwc need read access
rhapsodyTaskPointerControllerRXFInit needs write access, eventDispatcherController needs read access
RTE contract

swccprototype of SwcC
runnable / RTE event
RXFInit / one time init eventsymbol SwcC_initializeRxf
eventDispatcherSwc / cyclic. e.g. every 10 msec symbol SwcC_eventDispatcherSwc
must match RXF_MS_PER_TICK on the Configuration tab of the RXF Configuration
position 0
eventDispatcherSwc / trigger symbol SwcC_eventDispatcherSwc
See AUTOSAR section ARXF-CP Event Dispatcher
position 1
eventDispatcherController / trigger symbol SwcC_eventDispatcherController
OS task
task where eventDispatcherSwc and eventDispatcherSwc run it its context RXFInit may run in another context
task where eventDispatcherController run it its context
exclusive area
mutexEventListControllereventDispatcherController needs explicit access ("can enter")
mutexEventListSwceventDispatcherSwc needs explicit access ("can enter")
mutexMemoryPoolseventDispatcherSwc needs explicit access ("can enter")
mutexTimerListeventDispatcherSwc needs explicit access ("can enter")
rhapsodyTaskPointerSwcRXFInit needs write access, eventDispatcherSwc and eventDispatcherSwc need read access
rhapsodyTaskPointerControllerRXFInit needs write access, eventDispatcherController needs read access
RTE contract

For the LED we need APIs to switch on and off anything which can be tested.
Blinky uses the API Rte_Call_Digital_LED_Write() see operations on() and off().

DaVinci Configurator

vVirtualtarget Pro