
The product ARXF-CP comes with profiles, which you need to use when creating an ArUML model:

Stereotypes RXF

This profile contains the following stereotypes:

Stereotypes ArUML_ARXF

The profile ArUML_ARXF offers stereotypes you need when modelling for AUTOSAR Classic or Adaptive Platform. It is located in <ARXF_CP_V8.0.1 installation folder>\ARXF_CP_V8.0.1\RXF\Profiles\Rhapsody\Autosar

This profile contains the following stereotypes:

Stereotypes ArUML_ARXF_CP

The profile ArUML_ARXF_CP offers stereotypes you need when modelling for AUTOSAR Classic Platform. It is located in <ARXF_CP_V8.0.1 installation folder>\ARXF_CP_V8.0.1\RXF\Profiles\Rhapsody\Autosar

The profile also contains two packages:

This profile contains the following stereotypes:

Stereotypes RXFMonitor

This profile used by the UML Target Debugger contains the following stereotypes: