Getting Started examples

This Product ARXF_CP_V8.0.1 for AUTOSAR Classic Platform uses a structured class to represent an SW-C. Within this structured class, you can model other classes which are part of your SW-C. An AUTOSAR runnable is an operation of a class. The ARXF-CP uses global data like a timer queue, an event queue and so forth which are local to the instance of the SW-C. All ARXF-CP code is shared amongst all instances of the same SW-C.

The product come with a few sample models:

The Rhapsody models show how a structured class can represent an SW-C. The generated C code must result in SW-Cs which can be build in an AUTOSAR environment. For this, several conditions must be met:

The product ARXF_CP_V8.0.1 for AUTOSAR Classic Platform has been designed to allow UML modeling without deep knowledge of AUTOSAR. It requires little configuration in an AUTOSAR authoring tool to get your models to run. At the same time you can use UML constructions like sequence diagrams and state machines which you can use with any RXF, so the Rhapsody models are portable to large extend.

Because the ARXF-CP uses little AUTOSAR details, the Rhapsody models use SodiusWillert AUTOSAR Profiles with only a few stereotypes plus so-called StandardContent, which you can regard as a sort of copy&paste way of realizing code.

Rhapsody generated C code relies on allocation of objects: the SW-Cs which are normal structured classes must be instantiated - either once or in our example in case of the multiple instantiated swca even twice. The RTE of an AUTOSAR authoring tool will instantiate these SW-Cs; in AUTOSAR terminology these are called prototypes.

The examples which are based on StandardContent in one of the AUTOSAR profiles show how the Rhapsody and RTE instances are connected.

After code generation in Rhapsody, the code must be deployed to the environment where it is compiled and executed. The product and thus the examples included support two environments:

Please continue to the BlinkySimple example part 1