Installing or Upgrading OSLC Connect for Windchill

These procedures extend Windchill so that the Windchill user is presented with additional Windchill User Interface elements that expose controls and forms for the consumption of OSLC information from configured OSLC Providers. The procedures also manually configure Windchill with new properties to store relationships with chosen OSLC Providers.


Prepare installation files on the Windchill server
  1. Confirm that Windchill itself is installed and is operational.
  2. Log into the Windchill server as an Administrator and as a Windchill Administrator
  3. Browse to the installation directory of PTC Windchill
  4. Run Windchill Shell with command bin/windchill shell
  5. Copy the windchill_resources_Javax or windchill_resources_Jakarta zip file to a temporary staging directory, for example /tmp/sodius_install
  6. Create a dedicated installation folder for each OSLC Connect for Windchill release and unzip the Windchill resources Zip file inside it.
  7. A default property file named is at the same level as the unzipped files.
    This property file contains default value of needed properties for extension to install.
    The needed properties are the identifier of database, the path to the Windchill install and the url of OSLC Connect for Windchill.
    You must change the values by editing the file If you a have a version of OSLC Connect for Windchill already installed, you can copy the values from the file located inside the previous version installation folder.
  8. Stop the Windchill service
Launch the extension installation script
  1. Run the Ant script to install the OSLC Connect for Windchill Extension
  2. The Ant script asks input arguments in addition to file
  3. Wait for the script to:
  4. Carefully monitor execution of the script and capture any failure messages
  5. As the extension contains custom Windchill action models, the extension script merges custom Windchill action models into Windchill custom-actionModels.xml file. If after the installation You experience issues with Windchill action models into Windchill action models, follow the procedure in Resolve OSLC Connect action model conflicts.
  6. As the extension contains a configuration file for the Apache HTTPServer, be aware that the Ant script won't install the file if the Apache HTTPServer is not on the same machine as Windchill. In that case this file must be deployed manually. See the Check the deployment of the OSLC Connect for Windchill Extension page to locate the destination folder.

When the script runs successfully, this completes deployment of the extension.

Restart Windchill
  1. Start the Windchill service, and restart the Apache HTTPServer
  2. If you had a web browser open with the previous version of the extension before the installation, close all active browser sessions, or clear the browser cache.

Installation on a cluster

When using a Windchill cluster installation, there are 2 options:


Any trouble?
Follow our guides to Check the deployment of the OSLC Connect for Windchill Extension,
and to fix SodiusWillert extensions deployment with database errors.