OSLC Connect for Windchill Extension deployment with database errors

When you run the script to install the OSLC Connect for Windchill Extension, you may have errors in your console. Here are some tips to fix them.

Check the dabatase related properties

The extensions deployment error may be due to wrong database password. To fix it, make sure of the windchill user password. The username is configured in wt.home/Windchill/db/db.properties as named [wt.pom.dbUser].

Run again the deployment of the extension sql schema, with following command:

Manual deployment of the extension SQL schema in Windchill SQL Database

When the Ant script fails to deploy the extension SQL schema, The extension SQL files can be executed manually.

In order to do this, locate the extension SQL schema scripts folders depending on the database type:

Please have your designated database administrator and your Windchill administrator perform the execution of these SQL scripts for you.