Consulting a design

The design page displays its properties, description, content, and collaborative links.

The revisions history of a design can be accessed with the History button. For more detailed information, see the section Consulting a design history.

The presentation of the content of a design is specific to each authoring tool. For more detailed information, see the section Certified authoring tools.

Working with comments

You can display the discussions and their comments, alongside any related finding by selecting the Comments tab in the right section of the page. In that tab, when applicable, comments and findings are displayed in the same order as they appear in the document.

At the top of the details section on the right stands the comments counter indicating which comment is selected (zero if none), among the total number of comments. The counter also allows for a previous next experience to navigate the comments. A similarly working counter for findings stands right next to it.

You can also find statistics about comments and findings made on the current design, in the header of each review of the Comments tab.

Users willing to display the Comments tab first can do so by opening the Preferences located in the user dropdown menu, visible when clicking on their username.

Continuing the review

When reaching a design's content, an information notification in the bottom right corner lets you continue your previous browsing session by suggesting to open:

A warning notification reminds the user of his incomplete review objectives on the current design.

Users can decide to temporarily prevent those notifications from appearing by clicking Do not reming me.

Users willing to enable/disable those notifications can do so by opening the Preferences located in the user dropdown menu, visible when clicking on their username.

Filter design resources

When looking at a set of resources displayed in a table, two columns are displaying respectively the number of comments, then the number of findings. These columns can also be filtered to only display those resources that have comments and / or findings.

When looking at a set of resources displayed in a tree, a badge at the end of each tree node indicates whether the corresponding resource has open comments. A button right above the tree allows for filtering only resources with comments. A toggle left to that button allows for switching the markers from displaying the number of comments to the number of findings, and vice versa.

Search in designs

It is possible to perform three types of search. All searches will report on the number of search results, and the index of displayed element, with a previous / next button to navigate those.

  1. Search by resources: which allows you to enter a string to search for in the content of the design resources in the active view.
  2. Search by comments: which allows you to enter a string to search for in the unique identifier, content and author amongst all comments.
  3. Search by findings: which allows you to enter a string to search for in the unique identifier, title, content and author amongst all findings.

On DOORS designs, the advanced search will allow you to search within the value of attributes:

  1. For each selected attribute search for its value by entering the search text.
  2. A counter will show you the number of matching resources found and which resource you are currently on.
  3. You can navigate through the results by clicking on "Next" or "Previous".
  4. The value of the attributes found is highlighted in the same color as the attributes present in the search.
  5. If the Match all box is checked, the results will have all the searched values present.
  6. If the Match all box is not checked then the search results will have at least one of the searched values present.

All searches display the number of results and provide two buttons to navigate between results with automatic page switching and scrolling

Generating a Report on a Design

Using the Report button, you can produce a report document on the current Design. For more detailed information, see the section Generating a report.