Class InsertRequirement.InsertLocation.InsertLocationBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • before

        public InsertRequirement.InsertLocation.InsertLocationBuilder before​(URI sibling)
        Indicates the requirement is to insert at the location just before the specified sibling requirement. The sibling requirement must already be part of the module.
        sibling - the URI of the sibling requirement, as returned by module.getUses().
        the builder instance.
      • after

        public InsertRequirement.InsertLocation.InsertLocationBuilder after​(URI sibling)
        Indicates the requirement is to insert at the location just after the specified sibling requirement. The sibling requirement must already be part of the module.
        sibling - the URI of the sibling requirement, as returned by module.getUses().
        the builder instance.
      • build

        public InsertRequirement.InsertLocation build()
        Creates an instance of InsertLocation with information configured in this builder instance.
        the created InsertLocation instance.