Configuring Confluence Server

This configuration section is aimed for the Confluence Server administrator; contains procedures for all generic (no-space-specific) configurations. Some of these, however, may require the guidance/aid from a Space administrator or the OSLC Remote Application administrator.

After Installing the connector, you need to take care of the following tasks:

  1. Configuring License
  2. Managing Friends
  3. Managing Consumers
  4. Configuring Security
  5. Managing OSLC Schemes
  6. Configuring Link Appearance

Note: usually, consumers are used to allow another OSLC application to make requests on behalf of an authorized Confluence user. This scenario it not supported by the connector, as it allows creating links from Confluence to the OSLC Remote Application, but not the other way around. However, OSLC applications often prevent applications from displaying delegated UIs unless they are white-listed, or registered as a friend. It means configuring consumers in Confluence will only be used for remote applications to become friends with Confluence, thus allowing delegated UIs to be displayed.

After you have completed these configurations, you can notify Confluence Space administrators they can start their own space-specific configurations.