Packaging as a service

An MDWorkbench project may be deployed as a service. This enables your user to execute the project from Eclipse, directly from the Model editor for example, through the use of wizards and without having to configure any launch configuration.

Here are the steps to deploy the project as a service:

  1. Convert the project to an Eclipse plug-in project:
    1. Select the project in the Project Explorer view.
    2. Right-click PDE Tools > Convert Project to Plug-in Projects...
    3. Click Finish in the conversion wizard.

  2. Update the project dependencies:
    1. Open the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file in your project.
    2. Select the Dependencies tab in the opened editor.
    3. Click the Add... button in the Required Plug-ins section, and add the following plugins:
      • org.eclipse.emf.ecore
      • com.sodius.mdw.core
      •, for each metamodel your project requires.
    4. You will probably need to force the recompilation of the project using the main menu Project > Clean...

  3. Add a service extension:
    1. Open the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file in your project.
    2. Select the Extensions tab in the opened editor.
    3. Click the Add... button in the All Extensions section, and select the extension point
    4. Add a ruleService extension, and fill the necessary information as described in the service extension point.

  4. Deploy the plugin:
    1. Select the project in the Project Explorer view.
    2. Right-click Export and then Plug-in Development > Deployable plug-ins and fragments.
    3. Deploy the plugin into an MDWorkbench location (please refer to Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment Guide for more information). Restarting this MDWorkbench, the new rule service should appear in the Services view.

Related concepts

Related tasks
Running services

Related reference extension point