public interface Class extends EncapsulatedClassifier, BehavioredClassifier
The following features are supported:
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Classifier |
createNestedClassifier(String name,
EClass eClass)
Creates a new
Classifier , with the specified 'Name', and appends it to the '
Nested Classifier' containment reference list |
Operation |
createOwnedOperation(String name,
MDWEList<String> ownedParameterNames,
MDWEList<? extends Type> ownedParameterTypes)
Creates a new
Operation , with the specified 'Name', '
Owned Parameter Names', and 'Owned Parameter Types', and appends it to the 'Owned Operation'
containment reference list |
Operation |
createOwnedOperation(String name,
MDWEList<String> parameterNames,
MDWEList<? extends Type> parameterTypes,
Type returnType)
Creates an operation with the specified name, parameter names, parameter types, and return type (or null) as an owned operation of this class
Reception |
createOwnedReception(String name,
MDWEList<String> ownedParameterNames,
MDWEList<? extends Type> ownedParameterTypes)
Creates a new
Reception , with the specified 'Name', '
Owned Parameter Names', and 'Owned Parameter Types', and appends it to the 'Owned Reception'
containment reference list |
Extension |
getExtension(String name)
Retrieves the first
Extension with the specified 'Name' from the '
Extension' reference list |
Extension |
getExtension(String name,
boolean ignoreCase)
Retrieves the first
Extension with the specified 'Name' from the '
Extension' reference list |
MDWEList<Extension> |
Returns the value of the 'Extension' reference list.
Classifier |
getNestedClassifier(String name)
Retrieves the first
Classifier with the specified 'Name' from the '
Nested Classifier' containment reference list |
Classifier |
getNestedClassifier(String name,
boolean ignoreCase,
EClass eClass,
boolean createOnDemand)
Retrieves the first
Classifier with the specified 'Name' from the '
Nested Classifier' containment reference list |
MDWEList<Classifier> |
Returns the value of the 'Nested Classifier' containment reference list.
Operation |
getOwnedOperation(String name,
MDWEList<String> ownedParameterNames,
MDWEList<? extends Type> ownedParameterTypes)
Retrieves the first
Operation with the specified 'Name', '
Owned Parameter Names', and 'Owned Parameter Types' from the 'Owned Operation' containment
reference list |
Operation |
getOwnedOperation(String name,
MDWEList<String> ownedParameterNames,
MDWEList<? extends Type> ownedParameterTypes,
boolean ignoreCase,
boolean createOnDemand)
Retrieves the first
Operation with the specified 'Name', '
Owned Parameter Names', and 'Owned Parameter Types' from the 'Owned Operation' containment
reference list |
MDWEList<Operation> |
Returns the value of the 'Owned Operation' containment reference list.
Reception |
getOwnedReception(String name,
MDWEList<String> ownedParameterNames,
MDWEList<? extends Type> ownedParameterTypes)
Retrieves the first
Reception with the specified 'Name', '
Owned Parameter Names', and 'Owned Parameter Types' from the 'Owned Reception' containment
reference list |
Reception |
getOwnedReception(String name,
MDWEList<String> ownedParameterNames,
MDWEList<? extends Type> ownedParameterTypes,
boolean ignoreCase,
boolean createOnDemand)
Retrieves the first
Reception with the specified 'Name', '
Owned Parameter Names', and 'Owned Parameter Types' from the 'Owned Reception' containment
reference list |
MDWEList<Reception> |
Returns the value of the 'Owned Reception' containment reference list.
Class |
getSuperClass(String name)
Retrieves the first
Class with the specified 'Name' from the '
Super Class' reference list |
Class |
getSuperClass(String name,
boolean ignoreCase,
EClass eClass)
Retrieves the first
Class with the specified 'Name' from the '
Super Class' reference list |
MDWEList<Class> |
Returns the value of the 'Super Class' reference list.
boolean |
Returns the value of the 'Is Active' attribute.
boolean |
Determines whether this class is a metaclass
void |
setIsActive(boolean value)
Sets the value of the '
Is Active ' attribute |
boolean |
validatePassiveClass(DiagnosticChain diagnostics,
Map context)
A passive class may not own receptions.
createOwnedPort, getOwnedPort, getOwnedPort, getOwnedPorts
createOwnedAttribute, createOwnedAttribute, createOwnedAttribute, createOwnedConnector, getOwnedAttribute, getOwnedAttribute, getOwnedAttributes, getOwnedConnector, getOwnedConnector, getOwnedConnectors, getPart, getPart, getParts, getRole, getRole, getRoles, validateMultiplicities
allFeatures, allParents, conformsTo, createCollaborationUse, createGeneralization, createOwnedUseCase, createRepresentation, createSubstitution, getAllAttributes, getAllOperations, getAllUsedInterfaces, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttributes, getCollaborationUse, getCollaborationUse, getCollaborationUses, getFeature, getFeature, getFeatures, getGeneral, getGeneral, getGeneralization, getGeneralization, getGeneralizations, getGenerals, getInheritedMember, getInheritedMember, getInheritedMembers, getOperation, getOperation, getOperations, getOwnedUseCase, getOwnedUseCase, getOwnedUseCases, getPowertypeExtent, getPowertypeExtent, getPowertypeExtents, getRedefinedClassifier, getRedefinedClassifier, getRedefinedClassifiers, getRepresentation, getSubstitution, getSubstitution, getSubstitutions, getUseCase, getUseCase, getUseCases, getUsedInterfaces, hasVisibilityOf, inherit, inheritableMembers, isAbstract, isFinalSpecialization, maySpecializeType, parents, setIsAbstract, setIsFinalSpecialization, setRepresentation, validateGeneralizationHierarchies, validateMapsToGeneralizationSet, validateNoCyclesInGeneralization, validateSpecializeType
createElementImport, createElementImport, createOwnedDiagram, createOwnedRule, createOwnedRule, createPackageImport, createPackageImport, excludeCollisions, getElementImport, getElementImport, getElementImports, getImportedElements, getImportedMember, getImportedMember, getImportedMembers, getImportedPackages, getMember, getMember, getMembers, getNamesOfMember, getOwnedDiagrams, getOwnedDiagrams, getOwnedMember, getOwnedMember, getOwnedMembers, getOwnedRule, getOwnedRule, getOwnedRules, getPackageImport, getPackageImport, getPackageImports, importMembers, membersAreDistinguishable, validateMembersDistinguishable
getRedefinedElement, getRedefinedElement, getRedefinedElements, getRedefinitionContext, getRedefinitionContext, getRedefinitionContexts, isConsistentWith, isLeaf, isRedefinitionContextValid, setIsLeaf, validateRedefinitionConsistent, validateRedefinitionContextValid
conformsTo, createAssociation, getAssociations, getPackage, setPackage
allNamespaces, allOwningPackages, createDependency, createNameExpression, getClientDependencies, getClientDependency, getClientDependency, getLabel, getLabel, getName, getNameExpression, getNamespace, getQualifiedName, getVisibility, isDistinguishableFrom, isSetName, isSetVisibility, separator, setName, setNameExpression, setVisibility, unsetName, unsetVisibility, validateHasNoQualifiedName, validateHasQualifiedName, validateVisibilityNeedsOwnership
getOwningTemplateParameter, getTemplateParameter, isCompatibleWith, isTemplateParameter, setOwningTemplateParameter, setTemplateParameter
addKeyword, allOwnedElements, applyStereotype, createEAnnotation, createOwnedComment, destroy, getApplicableStereotype, getApplicableStereotypes, getAppliedStereotype, getAppliedStereotypes, getAppliedSubstereotype, getAppliedSubstereotypes, getKeywords, getModel, getNearestPackage, getOwnedComments, getOwnedElements, getOwner, getRelationships, getRelationships, getRequiredStereotype, getRequiredStereotypes, getSourceDirectedRelationships, getSourceDirectedRelationships, getStereotypeApplication, getStereotypeApplications, getTargetDirectedRelationships, getTargetDirectedRelationships, getValue, hasKeyword, hasValue, isStereotypeApplicable, isStereotypeApplied, isStereotypeRequired, mustBeOwned, removeKeyword, setValue, unapplyStereotype, validateHasOwner, validateNotOwnSelf
compareTo, eExtendedClass, eIsInstanceOf, eIsInstanceOf, eIsProfiled, eIsRemoved, eMetamodel, eMetaTypeName, eModel, eRemove, eSetUniqueID, eUniqueID, superScript, superScript, toBoolean, toBoolean, toByte, toByte, toChar, toChar, toDouble, toDouble, toFloat, toFloat, toInt, toInt, toList, toList, toList, toList, toList, toLong, toLong, toObject, toObject, toSet, toSet, toShort, toShort, toString, toString
getEAnnotation, getEAnnotations
eAllContents, eClass, eContainer, eContainingFeature, eContainmentFeature, eContents, eCrossReferences, eGet, eGet, eInvoke, eIsProxy, eIsSet, eResource, eSet, eUnset
eAdapters, eDeliver, eNotify, eSetDeliver
createOwnedTemplateSignature, createOwnedTemplateSignature, createTemplateBinding, getOwnedTemplateSignature, getTemplateBinding, getTemplateBinding, getTemplateBindings, isTemplate, parameterableElements, setOwnedTemplateSignature
createClassifierBehavior, createInterfaceRealization, createOwnedBehavior, createOwnedTrigger, getAllImplementedInterfaces, getClassifierBehavior, getImplementedInterfaces, getInterfaceRealization, getInterfaceRealization, getInterfaceRealizations, getOwnedBehavior, getOwnedBehavior, getOwnedBehaviors, getOwnedTrigger, getOwnedTrigger, getOwnedTriggers, setClassifierBehavior, validateClassBehavior
MDWEList<Operation> getOwnedOperations()
It is bidirectional and its opposite is 'Class
The operations owned by the class.
Operation createOwnedOperation(String name, MDWEList<String> ownedParameterNames, MDWEList<? extends Type> ownedParameterTypes)
, with the specified 'Name', '
Owned Parameter Names', and 'Owned Parameter Types', and appends it to the 'Owned Operation'
containment reference list.
- The 'Name' for the new Operation
, or null
- The 'Owned Parameter Names' for the new Operation
, or null
- The 'Owned Parameter Types' for the new Operation
, or null
Operation getOwnedOperation(String name, MDWEList<String> ownedParameterNames, MDWEList<? extends Type> ownedParameterTypes)
with the specified 'Name', '
Owned Parameter Names', and 'Owned Parameter Types' from the 'Owned Operation' containment
reference list.
- The 'Name' of the Operation
to retrieve, or null
- The 'Owned Parameter Names' of the Operation
to retrieve, or
- The 'Owned Parameter Types' of the Operation
to retrieve, or
with the specified 'Name', '
Owned Parameter Names', and 'Owned Parameter Types', or null
Operation getOwnedOperation(String name, MDWEList<String> ownedParameterNames, MDWEList<? extends Type> ownedParameterTypes, boolean ignoreCase, boolean createOnDemand)
with the specified 'Name', '
Owned Parameter Names', and 'Owned Parameter Types' from the 'Owned Operation' containment
reference list.
- The 'Name' of the Operation
to retrieve, or null
- The 'Owned Parameter Names' of the Operation
to retrieve, or
- The 'Owned Parameter Types' of the Operation
to retrieve, or
- Whether to ignore case in String
- Whether to create a Operation
on demand if not found.Operation
with the specified 'Name', '
Owned Parameter Names', and 'Owned Parameter Types', or null
MDWEList<Classifier> getNestedClassifiers()
References all the Classifiers that are defined (nested) within the Class.
Classifier createNestedClassifier(String name, EClass eClass)
, with the specified 'Name', and appends it to the '
Nested Classifier' containment reference list.
- The 'Name' for the new Classifier
, or null
- The Ecore class of the Classifier
to create.Classifier
Classifier getNestedClassifier(String name)
with the specified 'Name' from the '
Nested Classifier' containment reference list.
- The 'Name' of the Classifier
to retrieve, or null
with the specified 'Name', or null
Classifier getNestedClassifier(String name, boolean ignoreCase, EClass eClass, boolean createOnDemand)
with the specified 'Name' from the '
Nested Classifier' containment reference list.
- The 'Name' of the Classifier
to retrieve, or null
- Whether to ignore case in String
- The Ecore class of the Classifier
to retrieve, or null
- Whether to create a Classifier
on demand if not found.Classifier
with the specified 'Name', or null
MDWEList<Class> getSuperClasses()
This gives the superclasses of a class.
Class getSuperClass(String name)
with the specified 'Name' from the '
Super Class' reference list.
- The 'Name' of the Class
to retrieve, or null
with the specified 'Name', or null
Class getSuperClass(String name, boolean ignoreCase, EClass eClass)
with the specified 'Name' from the '
Super Class' reference list.
- The 'Name' of the Class
to retrieve, or null
- Whether to ignore case in String
- The Ecore class of the Class
to retrieve, or null
with the specified 'Name', or null
boolean isActive()
Determines whether an object specified by this class is active or not. If true, then the owning class is referred to as an active class. If
false, then such a class is referred to as a passive class.
void setIsActive(boolean value)
Is Active
' attribute.
- the new value of the 'Is Active' attribute.isActive()
MDWEList<Reception> getOwnedReceptions()
Receptions that objects of this class are willing to accept.
Reception createOwnedReception(String name, MDWEList<String> ownedParameterNames, MDWEList<? extends Type> ownedParameterTypes)
, with the specified 'Name', '
Owned Parameter Names', and 'Owned Parameter Types', and appends it to the 'Owned Reception'
containment reference list.
- The 'Name' for the new Reception
, or null
- The 'Owned Parameter Names' for the new Reception
, or null
- The 'Owned Parameter Types' for the new Reception
, or null
Reception getOwnedReception(String name, MDWEList<String> ownedParameterNames, MDWEList<? extends Type> ownedParameterTypes)
with the specified 'Name', '
Owned Parameter Names', and 'Owned Parameter Types' from the 'Owned Reception' containment
reference list.
- The 'Name' of the Reception
to retrieve, or null
- The 'Owned Parameter Names' of the Reception
to retrieve, or
- The 'Owned Parameter Types' of the Reception
to retrieve, or
with the specified 'Name', '
Owned Parameter Names', and 'Owned Parameter Types', or null
Reception getOwnedReception(String name, MDWEList<String> ownedParameterNames, MDWEList<? extends Type> ownedParameterTypes, boolean ignoreCase, boolean createOnDemand)
with the specified 'Name', '
Owned Parameter Names', and 'Owned Parameter Types' from the 'Owned Reception' containment
reference list.
- The 'Name' of the Reception
to retrieve, or null
- The 'Owned Parameter Names' of the Reception
to retrieve, or
- The 'Owned Parameter Types' of the Reception
to retrieve, or
- Whether to ignore case in String
- Whether to create a Reception
on demand if not found.Reception
with the specified 'Name', '
Owned Parameter Names', and 'Owned Parameter Types', or null
MDWEList<Extension> getExtensions()
It is bidirectional and its opposite is 'Metaclass
References the Extensions that specify additional properties of the metaclass. The property is derived from the extensions whose memberEnds are
typed by the Class.
Extension getExtension(String name)
with the specified 'Name' from the '
Extension' reference list.
- The 'Name' of the Extension
to retrieve, or null
with the specified 'Name', or null
Extension getExtension(String name, boolean ignoreCase)
with the specified 'Name' from the '
Extension' reference list.
- The 'Name' of the Extension
to retrieve, or null
- Whether to ignore case in String
with the specified 'Name', or null
boolean validatePassiveClass(DiagnosticChain diagnostics, Map context)
Operation createOwnedOperation(String name, MDWEList<String> parameterNames, MDWEList<? extends Type> parameterTypes, Type returnType)
boolean isMetaclass()