You can increase the VM arguments, on %PUBLISHER_INSTALL_DIR%\publisher.ini, like:
Note 1: The values to set depend on the specifications of the system you are working on. If this is not enough, you could try to increase again the Xmx value.
Note 2: Values can be managed when installing Publisher for Rhapsody.
If during your work the out of memory error dialog box appears, change the Java Heap size and the MaxPermSize directly in this dialog box.
In the Xmx field change the number of heap size to bigger heap size in megabytes. In the XX:MaxPermSize field you can increase the MaxPermSize.
You can also change the java heap size or MaxPermSize in the
If you have this kind of error, it means that there is a compatibility issue between Java, Rhapsody and the Publisher.
If Publisher for Rhapsody seems to have been running in a vacuum for a long time, a problem may have arisen.
We have developed a problem management process which you will find in the section Troubleshooting Publisher for Rhapsody.
This message appears when an issue occurs running Transformation from Rhapsody to UML2.
However, it can also occur if the installation of the Publisher for Rhapsody is not correctly done.
We have developed a problem management process which you will find in the section Troubleshooting Publisher for Rhapsody.
To publish to MagicDraw 19.0, set the option magicdraw.profile.version
to "19.0"
in the file, such as:
Publisher for Rhapsody has been validated with Rhapsody 8.4, 9.0.2 and 10.0.1.
Older versions of Rhapsody are not supported.
To obtain the license information needed, run FlexNet LMTools GUI.
Select System Settings tabulation, then Save HOSTID info to a File by clicking the corresponding button.
Provide the generated file to the support team.
Because of Rhapsody API Limitations, Free Shapes can only be transformed from Rhapsody 9.0.2 and running Publisher for Rhapsody 2.5.0.
The Publisher has limitations when publishing free shapes because of MagicDraw limitations. The available Free Shapes in MagicDraw are:
In Rhapsody, it is possible to have Tagged Values on Elements, even if the Element is not Stereotyped, while this is not possible in MagicDraw.
In Rhapsody, this is what we call "Local Tags".
For example, "block_2" is not Stereotyped, while it has a "local tag" called "block_2_localTag1".
To handle correctly Tagged Values in MagicDraw, Block "block_2" has to be stereotyped.
And this is the stereotype that carries the Tagged Value:
In this example, "block_2" is stereotyped <<LocalTags.block_2_Class_TAGS>> (<package_name>.<element_name>_<element_type>_TAGS).
The Stereotype is owned by a Profile called "LocalTags_TAGS" (<package_name>_TAGS).
In MagicDraw, "block_2" is stereotyped <<LocalTags.block_2_Class_TAGS>>, Tagged Values are set correctly:
Publisher for Rhapsody can publish OSLC Links between Rhapsody elements and IBM Rational Doors Next Generation (DNG) artifacts via an extra license. See the option Publish OSLC Links for more information.
Custom Stereotypes are transformed.
Some constructions are allowed in Rhapsody, while this is not allowed in UML2/Cameo. In this case, we use the concept of Profile/Stereotype to extend UML2 and enable the transformation of all data.
Structure of Elements between Rhapsody and Cameo is kept. For some special case (see previous comment) we have extended the UML2 metamodel so as not to lose the data.
It is possible with Rhapsody to create Actor with features in it (Attributes, Operations) while this is not possible in UML/MagicDraw.
With the Publisher for Rhapsody, we’ve made the choice to transform such Actors to Class (stereotyped <<RhpActor>>), otherwise, features are lost.
The warning can occur for several reasons. Here is a list of what can be wrong:
The error can occur for several reasons. Here is a list of what can be wrong: