Publish OSLC Links

Use this option in order to publish OSLC Links between Rhapsody elements and IBM Rational Doors Next Generation (DNG) artifacts to a Cameo model. Note that this option is submitted to an extra license.

Publishing OSLC Links

When setting the Property rhp2md.publish.oslc.links to true, Rhapsody Satisfactions between a Model Element and loaded DNG artifact are published as Satisfactions, stereotyped <<oslcStereotype>> in Cameo.
Remoted (and loaded) DNG artifacts in Rhapsody are transformed to Requirements stereotyped <<oslcStereotype>> in Cameo.
Hyperlinks between the Requirements in Cameo and the Artifacts in DNG are created.

To benefit of OSLC preview capability in Cameo, we use the OSLC prefix from Cameo DataHub. This prefix makes the hyperlink compatible with DataHub OSLC preview.

When setting the Property rhp2md.publish.oslc.links to false, Rhapsody Satisfactions between a Model Element and a loaded DNG artifact are not published in Cameo.
Remoted (and loaded) DNG artifacts in Rhapsody are not transformed to Requirements in Cameo.

Known limitations

Rhapsody model limitations

The user must be logged on the DNG Server. DNG artifacts must be resolved and loaded into Rhapsody. If the user is not logged to the DNG Server, the OSLC Links won’t be resolved. If the remote DNG module is not loaded, only URLs are loaded in Rhapsody. If a DNG artifact is not resolved/loaded into Rhapsody, it will be transformed to a Class stereotyped <<oslcStereotype>> and <<StubOSLCElement>>. The Class is owned by a Package called “Unresolved”.

The Rhapsody Model must be a SysML Model. If the Rhapsody Model is not a SysML one, there will be no creation of Requirement in the Cameo Model. Instead, a Class will be created.

DataHub limitations

Cameo DataHub does not support IBM Global Configuration. The URL created by the Publisher has been adapted in order to be able to point the DNG Artifact in its configuration version. This is not the default format of DataHub URLs.

Setting the publish OSLC Links property

To activate the publish of OSLC Links, set the following option in file:

# Determines whether OSLC Links must be published from Rhapsody. Default: false

To deactivate the publish of OSLC Links, set the following option in file:

# Determines whether OSLC Links must be published from Rhapsody. Default: false

If the rhp2md.publish.oslc.links property is not set in the file, the property is set to false, by default.