You can increase the VM arguments, on %PUBLISHER_INSTALL_DIR%\publisher.ini, like:
Note 1: The values to set depend on the specifications of the system you are working on. If this is not enough, you could try to increase again the Xmx value.
Note 2: Values can be managed when installing Publisher for Rhapsody.
If you have this kind of error, it means that there is a compatibility issue between Java, Rhapsody and the Publisher.
If Publisher for Rhapsody seems to have been running in a vacuum for a long time, a problem may have arisen.
We have developed a problem management process which you will find in the section Troubleshooting Publisher for Rhapsody.
Publisher for Rhapsody has been validated with Rhapsody 9.0.2 and 10.0.1.
Older versions than 9.0.2 of Rhapsody are not supported and may lead to performance or memory issues.
To obtain the license information needed, run FlexNet LMTools GUI.
Select System Settings tabulation, then Save HOSTID info to a File by clicking the corresponding button.
Provide the generated file to the support team.
Custom Stereotypes are transformed.
Structure of Elements between Rhapsody and Cameo is kept.
There are several containment patterns that are not supported by Rhapsody. For example, an Activity cannot own another Activity. To avoid the loss of data, the containment tree is modified to keep the data at the end of the publication. Check Modeling Guidelines for more information