Release 3.4.0

New and noteworthy

Finalize review screen

The project leader has now access to a specific screen to finalize the review. That screen allows for:


When a specific trigger occurs, SECollab will send an email alerting the appropriate users. The email is configurable with some placeholders, such as the review's title. Available triggers are:

Suspect links on findings

When creating a finding, the project leader is now offered to select resources it impacts, amongst the resources related to the commented resources, hence making them "suspect" resources. This behaviour is implemented through a specific link, which makes it easy to unlist the resource from the suspect resources.

Review confirmation

When confirming a resource within the review has been reviewed, the reviewer can now see a confirm box that explains the implication of this action.
This behavior is optional and can be enabled by the project leader in the new Settings panel of the Project administration. This setting is valid for all reviews within the project.

Known issues

The list of known issues can be found on the known issues page.

Migration notes

There is no specific action to take upon migrating from version 3.x.x. Simply follow the Updating SECollab guidelines.