Known issues

Enterprise Architect

On Enterprise Architect diagrams publication, if the element the most on the top and/or the most on the left of the diagram is a label, there may be an offset between the clickable areas and the picture of the diagram.

Deleting and importing projects

It is strongly discouraged to try importing a project after it has been deleted. Indeed, deleting a project will start a background task, cleaning up all resources of the project, which would create conflicts if an import of the same project were going on at the same time.

Excel import

Excel style rendering in SECollab has been limited to a single style per cell.
Additionally, cell's height can sometimes be inaccurate when combined with text wrap.

Version-specific issues

Resource types (version 3.0.1)

When importing large designs, applying a custom resource type targeting a large number of imported resources slows down the import and generates a particularly large amount of logs in Neo4j. As a consequence, these logs have been limited to 10G in size.

Reviews import and export (versions 2.0.0 to 2.0.1)

The functionality has been disabled and will come back in a future release.