Issue | Description |
PDRHYAUTAR-80 | The ARXF-CP has been migrated to V8 as an RTOS adapter of the standard RXF-C.
Please refer to the documentation section Usage | Migration V7 to V8 |
Issue | Description |
PDRHYAUTAR-294 | It is not possible to use the RXF-C and the ARXF-CP in a single Rhapsody model. |
PDRARUMLCP-164 | The menu Make an Object does not work on a class dragged onto an SWC in a Structure Diagram. As a workaround, you must use Make an Object in the treeview first and drag the object onto the SWC. |
PDRARUMLCP-168 | Property C_CG::Package::Simplify on stereotype ArPackage has no effect
As a workaround, you must set this property on all ArPackages in your model and in a tricky way:
PDRARUMLCP-169 | Rhapsody does not allow to use a part as a Singleton, thus not within a structured class used for an SWC.
A Singleton must be explicitly initialized. Please refer to the documentation section Usage | Best Practices | Initialization. |
PDRHYAUTAR-224 | Highwater marks for measurement of the maximum of used blocks in the memory pools and timer pool must be disabled. |
Issue | Description |
PDRHYAUTAR-282 | The AUTOSAR rootcomposition is used for connecting the RTE instances to the Rhapsody instances of SWCs.
Please refer to the documentation section Usage | Best Practices | Composition |
PDRHYAUTAR-147 | An active class no longer needs an initializer to pass the address of the SWC where it belongs to. |
Issue | Description |
PDRHYAUTAR-22 | Not all Visual Studio versions were detected by the Deployer when already running. |