Release 7.6

Known Issues

PDRARUMLCP-161During code generation a warning with IDF is thrown
PDRARUMLCP-164The menu Make an Object does not work on a class dragged onto an SWC in a Structure Diagram. As a workaround, you must use Make an Object in the treeview first and drag the object onto the SWC.
PDRARUMLCP-166Some Visual Studio versions are not recognized as running process when deploying.
In such cases you must quit Visual Studio before deploying from Rhapsody to prevent a new copy of Visual Studio to be launched.
PDRARUMLCP-168Property C_CG::Package::Simplify on stereotype ArPackage has no effect
As a workaround, you must set this property on all ArPackages in your model and in a tricky way:
  • override the value (set to ByUserPostDefault by stereotype ArPackage) to Default
  • override the value to ByUserPostDefault
  • save the model
PDRARUMLCP-169Rhapsody does not allow to use a part as a Singleton, thus not within a structured class used for an SWC. A Singleton must be explicitly initialized.
Please refer to the documentation section Usage | Best Practices | Initialization.


PDRHYAUTAR-212Types of exclusiveAreas and interrunnable variables consistent between StandardContent and examples
PDRARUMLCP-162 Added tag rootComposition to stereotype ArComposition in ArUML_ARXF.sbsx


PDRARUMLCP-128The AUTOSAR profiles are renamed.
Please refer to the documentation section Usage | Migration to V7.6