Generate Ruleset Documentation


This helper generates HTML-based, navigable documentation from an M2M Ruleset.

Applicable To M2MRuleset, M2MImportRuleset, M2MExportRuleset
Menu Entry M2M -> Ruleset Documentation -> Generate Ruleset Documentation

Generation Folder

The documentation is generated into a new folder named [Ruleset name] Ruleset Documentation.
That folder is generated into the same folder as the current Rhapsody project.

Automatic Opening

After the documentation has been generated the helper automatically opens in:

This may be changed by setting the following property on the ruleset:

You will find this easily on the Tools tab of the M2MRuleset Settings properties perspective:
Open in browser property
The property has the following available values:

Note that if using Rhapsody 9 or below then values of Rhapsody or Both will cause the documentation to open in the system web browser instead.
The generated documentation may also be opened manually using the menu M2M -> Ruleset Documentation -> Open Ruleset Documentation

Generated Documentation

Generated documentation


The generated documentation has the following tabs:


Each link in the documentation opens either a list page or a details page for the clicked element in the right-hand panel:
Navigation list
Navigation details
In addition, the documentation allows navigation:

Navigation to Rhapsody

Clicking the Locate in Rhapsody button will highlight the current model element in the Rhapsody mode browser:
Locate in Rhapsody button
This navigation uses hyperlinks of the form rhapsody:// which are automatically handled by Windows (Rhapsody register itself as a handler for such URLs on install). Only one Rhapsody instance should be running as Windows cannot handle navigation to more than one.

Navigation to Eclipse

This allows navigation from the generated web page to a function in Eclipse that was called from an M2M Function:
See Navigation to Eclipse