Exporting Model Elements to DOORS
At this stage, the links between Rhapsody Requirements and Rhapsody Model Elements have been created.
The project is ready to be exported to DOORS.
Information about all Model Elements, which have a Dependency on a Requirement, can be transferred to DOORS.
This is also valid for Diagrams that are linked to Requirements.
To roundtrip Model Elements:
- From Rhapsody, select the menu Tools > ReqXChanger > Export to DOORS, or right-click on the project, and select the menu ReqXChanger > Export to DOORS.
This will create a connection with Rhapsody, to create a ReqIF File to import in DOORS.
Importing and Merging Model Elements in DOORS
The Requirements and links to Model Elements have been exported to a ReqIF File, in the same folder than the ReqIF file exported from DOORS.
The roundtripped ReqIF File can be imported in DOORS.
To import Model Elements:
- In DOORS select the menu File > Import ReqIF Package, select the roundrip reqifz file created by ReqXChanger.
It is located in the same folder as the ReqIf file used to import Requirements, and is called "xxx_RXCRoundtrip.reqifz".
- Set a name to the New import folder.
- Select the Import button.
To merge imported Elements:
- Select the ReqIF Definition previously created (to export Requirements).
- Select the Imports button.
- Select the Merge button. DOORS will automatically merge the Requirements and Model Elements.
- Select then the Close and OK buttons to close the ReqIF import wizard.
- Opening DOORS Module, you will see that the Requirements have inlinks to a new Module called "Rhapsody Elements":
Note: Diagrams imported in DOORS are not correctly displayed. This is an identified limitation.
It is possible to open the image by double-clicking on the OLE object.