Navigation from Rhapsody to DOORS

It is possible to navigate from Rhapsody to DOORS.

Configure DOORS to export DOORS Objects URL

In order to navigate from Rhapsody to the original DOORS Object, a new Attribute must be created in DOORS. For this:

Note: A dxl script would create this attribute DOORS_URL automatically. We will ensure to provide such a script in a future release of ReqXChanger

Configure ReqXChanger to export and synchronize with Rhapsody

ReqXChanger needs to be configured to enable the navigation:

Requirements can now be synchronized with ReqXChanger.
For each Requirement created in Rhapsody, a hyperlink is also created. It permits the navigation to the original DOORS Requirement:

If the option Create Weblink during Export was not set before the first synchronization, hyperlinks will only be created for new requirements, or those that have been modified.
It is however possible to create hyperlinks in Rhapsody by selecting the option Mode > Changes > Element Comparison > Check Attributes Values: