Gateway Links Resolver
It is possible, with ReqXChanger, to migrate a Rhapsody project created with Gateway, to a ReqXChanger Rhapsody project.
Export Requirements from DOORS
First of all, you have to export the Requirement's Modules from Doors.
Of course, it is possible to export several Requirements Modules, depending on what needs to be synchronized in Rhapsody.
Migrate from Gateway
- Open ReqXChanger Application.
- Set ReqXChanger parameters:
- Set the ReqIF Options:
- Select the button Import from > Requirements: ReqIf 1.0.1 > Options...
- Set the ReqIF Source File. This is the ReqIF file exported previously.
- Set the Rhapsody Options:
- Select the button Export to > Requirements: IBM Rational Rhapsody > Options...
- In the menu Mode > Preset, set the Synchronization Mode to DOORS.
- Set the Package > Root Package option to the Requirements folder in Rhapsody
- Close ReqXChanger Application.
- Migrate Requirements by Right-clicking on the Rhapsody project, and selecting the menu ReqXChanger > Migrate from Gateway:
Rhapsody Requirements will be transformed in a ReqXChanger format.
Note: The migration is automatically followed by a 'blank' synchronization.
Requirements, updated by the migration, are in a 'Changed' status.