Navigation from Rhapsody to DOORS

This lesson guides you through how to navigate from Rhapsody to DOORS

Synchronization to Rhapsody has been launched and new Requirements have been created in the Rhapsody model.
However, the navigation between the Requirements created in Rhapsody and the initial Object in DOORS has not been configured.
It is therefore not possible to navigate from Rhapsody to the original DOORS Requirements.
This step explains how to configure ReqXChanger to transform the navigation links in a second time.

Note that a DOORS_URL Attribute has been created, for each Formal Module, in our sample DOORS Database.
Without such an attribute, it is not possible to navigate from Rhapsody to DOORS

ReqXChanger needs to be configured to enable the navigation:

Requirements can be transferred by clicking on the button Create in Target Tool.
Requirements are created in Rhapsody. They have an Hyperlink called "DOORS Requirement".
If you double-click on the Hyperlink created, the corresponding DOORS Object will be opened in its DOORS Module: