Configuring ReqXChanger for the Migration
This lesson guides you through how to configure ReqXChanger for a connection to Rhapsody, and a Migration to a ReqXChanger Rhapsody project.
At this stage, the Requirements have been exported from DOORS in a ReqIF File.
It is now necessary to configure ReqXChanger so that it can read the exported ReqIF file, and migrate the data in the open Rhapsody.
To configure the ReqIF Options:
- From Rhapsody, open ReqXChanger Interface from the menu Tools > ReqXChanger > Open ReqXChanger:
- Click on the Import from Options button:
- In the menu ReqIF File, select the reqifz File previously exported from DOORS.
- Select the OK button to close the ReqIF options.
- Click on the Read Requirements button. This will allow the configuration of synchronization parameters such as the creation of DOORS/Rhapsody hyperlinks.
To configure the Rhapsody Options:
- Click on the Export to Options button:
- Set the transformation Mode. This will load a preset of recommended options for a specific tool or purpose.
Select the DOORS Mode.
- Select the option Mode > Changes > Element Comparison, and select the option Check Attributes Values
This option will allow the links creation between the Rhapsody Requirements and the original DOORS Objects.
- Select the option Mode > Weblink > Create Weblink during Export.
- Select the menu Mode > Weblink > Weblink Mapping.
- Set a name to the Hyperlinks to create, for example "DOORS Requirements".
- For the URL-Mapping option, select $DOORS_URL$:
- Set the Package where to create Requirements. Select the Packages > Root Package option.
In the following screenshot, Requirements will be created in the "Requirements" Package, owned by the Project:
- Select the checkbox Subpackages for all Specifications with LongName as Name.
- Unselect the checkbox Export only Specifications with Specification Package Name.
- Select the menu Rhapsody. Set the Rhapsody.jar file path. It is the path to the Rhapsody API jar archive.
The path can be found from the active Rhapsody application by using the following steps:
- Select the Help menu.
- Select About Rhapsody.
- Select the button Version Details.
- Look for OMROOT property.
ReqXChanger is ready to migrate. You can close the Rhapsody Options wizard.