Headless Mode

The ReqXChanger has a GUI for selecting the source of the Requirements and the target modeling tool.
For these, several options can be configured and the exchange of information in both directions can be performed by pressing corresponding buttons.
Furthermore, a logging segment will show information about the data transfer and a Model Browser allows us to investigate an imported ReqIF file.

However, it may not always be desirable to execute the data transfer manually.
Therefore, the ReqXChanger is highly automated. Any functionality of the ReqXChanger can be invoked using command line arguments.
This does not only include selecting a target tool and executing the data transfer, but also setting option values.
This can be done either by setting all option values using parameters or by loading a configuration file.
In addition, different logging mechanisms can be set, for instance for logging inside a log file.
In order to show all possibilities of the ReqXChanger, execute ReqXChangerC.exe -help (ReqXChangerC.exe will write on the console).

As an example, here it is shown how to start the ReqXChanger for loading a configuration file, transferring requirements to Rhapsody and perform logging inside a log file:
ReqXChangerC.exe -loadConfig "W:\ReqXChanger\ReqXChanger_Tests\Rhapsody\ElevatorSpecs\Elevator_Specs.mxc" -importer "com.sodius.reqxchanger.model.importer.reqIf1_0_1_importer" -exporter "com.sodius.reqxchanger.rhapsody.export.ReqRhapsodyExporter" -doImportExport
Please note that logs are always generated in a file (see User Guide/Logging page for more information).

The Headless Mode is possible only with a floating license.