Interface ResourceEventStore

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractTrsStore, FileTrsStore

    public interface ResourceEventStore
    extends Store
    A write-only, and asynchronous, store for ResourceEvent. This store is to be used by listeners registered in the application to report change events as they occur.

    Implementations must not block the application while registering events; however, since getting the right order to them requires synchronized access, implementations may opt to store them without an actual order (or any other tag mechanism), so they remain hidden to the TRS feed, up the TrsStore.synchronizeResourceEvents(int) method is called to assign them the right order.

    An event store instance is to retrieve with TrsStoreSynchronizer.getResourceEventStore(), which ensures method calls are correctly non-synchronized across the whole web application.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • isStoringEventsOf

        boolean isStoringEventsOf​(Optional<String> projectAreaId)
        Determines whether the store is currently able to store events and, optionally, for a particular project.

        This method must not raise any exception, false must be returned silently if any of them occurred while computing the result.

        Implementations should use a temporary cache for keeping results for a very brief moment (at most 1s) in order to optimize performance. The intention is just to avoid multiple computations of the result during a single storage request, where it's very likely all events belong to the same project.

        projectAreaId - the optional project identifier.
        true if the given project is TRS exposed, the TRS store is not corrupted and the corresponding base is computed; false otherwise.
      • store

        void store​(ResourceEvent... resourceEvents)
        Stores one or a few resource events. If a larger volume of events is to send at once, client is recommended to rather use the store(Function) method.

        Implementations MUST store events, without blocking the application, only if the isStoringEventsOf(Optional) method returns true, for each of the given event seeds, and must keep them hidden from the TRS feed up to the TrsStore.synchronizeResourceEvents(int) method is called.

        This method is intended to avoid raising TrsStoreException, if something went wrong preventing the storage of the event, implementations must handle it silently.

        resourceEvents - events to store.
      • deleteResourcesOf

        void deleteResourcesOf​(String projectId)
        Creates ResourceEvent.Type.DELETED events for all exposed resources of the given project in the store.

        This method is convenient to un-expose all resources of a deleted project in the hosting application.

        Implementations MUST store events, without blocking the application, only if the isStoringEventsOf(Optional) method returns true for the given project (at the beginning of the process) and MUST avoid calling it again for each individual resource event seed because the project could not be longer accessible, and therefore, the isStoringEventsOf(Optional) method could return false for some events. If implementations decide to do not call the isStoringEventsOf(Optional) method at all, because the project could not be longer accessible from the beginning, they MUST ensure that: the store is not corrupted, the base is computed and there is a TRS functional user configured before saving events. The events MUST keep hidden from the TRS feed up to the TrsStore.synchronizeResourceEvents(int) method is called.

        This method is intended to avoid raising TrsStoreException, if something went wrong preventing the storage of the event, implementations must handle it silently.

        projectId - the project identifier of the resources to un-expose.