Class LinkingScreeningContext

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IExtendedResource, IResource

    @OslcResourceShape(title="Screening Linking Resource Shape",
    public class LinkingScreeningContext
    extends AbstractResource
    Encapsulates the linking-screening-related data (linking type, linking resource and in-used global configuration if any).

    Unlike LinkingContext, this class does have a ServiceProvider property and its linkingResource property is of type String. The reason for the latter is because such text represents whatever the user dropped or pasted in the DnD dialog, whereas for the former is to validate the associated ServiceProvider against to the corresponding dropped/pasted resource.

    • Constructor Detail

      • LinkingScreeningContext

        public LinkingScreeningContext()
        Default constructor for JAX-RS framework use.
      • LinkingScreeningContext

        public LinkingScreeningContext​(URI linkingType,
                                       URI serviceProvider,
                                       URI configuration,
                                       String configurationTitle)
        Constructs a linking screening context for the given data.
        linkingType - the linking type.
        serviceProvider - the remote service provider.
        configuration - the (optional) Global Configuration URI.
        configurationTitle - the (optional) Global Configuration title.
        OslcWebApplicationException - if either linkingType or serviceProvider is null.