Class Validations

  • public class Validations
    extends Object
    Provides methods to validate connectivity with a remote OSLC application. Validation methods do never throw any exception but provide a validation result that can contain an error message.
    • Method Detail

      • validateRootServices

        public static <T extends RootServicesValidations.ValidationResult<T> validateRootServices​(URI rootServicesLocation,
                                                                                                    Class<T> rootServicesType,
                                                                                                    List<Locale> locales)
        Validates the root services resource, to ensure the OSLC server is accessible and declares discovery services as expected.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of RootServices to de-serialize.
        rootServicesLocation - the root services location of the remote OSLC server.
        rootServicesType - the RootServices subclass to use when binding the stream to a resource.
        locales - the locales to use for messages, in order of preference.
        a validation result with retrieved root services or an error message indicating why root services are not accessible.
      • validateRootServices

        public static <T extends RootServicesValidations.ValidationResult<T> validateRootServices​(OslcClient client,
                                                                                                    URI rootServicesLocation,
                                                                                                    Class<T> rootServicesType,
                                                                                                    List<Locale> locales)
        Validates the root services resource, to ensure the OSLC server is accessible and declares discovery services as expected.

        The client must be unauthenticated, as root services is an authorization-free resource, and some servers may reject requests providing an Authorization header. The client may be customized using OslcClientFactory for specific parameters, like a proxy configuration.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of RootServices to de-serialize.
        client - the client to use
        rootServicesLocation - the root services location of the remote OSLC server.
        rootServicesType - the RootServices subclass to use when binding the stream to a resource.
        locales - the locales to use for messages, in order of preference.
        a validation result with retrieved root services or an error message indicating why root services are not accessible.
      • validatePublisher

        public static Validations.ValidationResult<Publisher> validatePublisher​(OslcClient client,
                                                                                RootServices rootServices,
                                                                                String identifier,
                                                                                List<Locale> locales)
        Validates the root services publisher, to ensure the OSLC server matches the expected application type.

        The client must be unauthenticated, as publisher is an authorization-free resource, and some servers may reject requests providing an Authorization header. The client may be customized using OslcClientFactory for specific parameters, like a proxy configuration.

        client - the client to use
        rootServices - the root services of the remote OSLC server.
        identifier - the expected OSLC application identifier (e.g. "")
        locales - the locales to use for messages, in order of preference.
        a validation result with retrieved publisher or an error message indicating the publisher doesn't match the expectation.
      • validatePublisher

        public static Validations.ValidationResult<Publisher> validatePublisher​(RootServices rootServices,
                                                                                String identifier,
                                                                                List<Locale> locales)
        Validates the root services publisher, to ensure the OSLC server matches the expected application type.
        rootServices - the root services of the remote OSLC server.
        identifier - the expected OSLC application identifier (e.g. "")
        locales - the locales to use for messages, in order of preference.
        a validation result with retrieved publisher or an error message indicating the publisher doesn't match the expectation.
      • validateFriend

        public static Validations.ValidationResult<Void> validateFriend​(RootServices rootServices,
                                                                        Friend friend,
                                                                        List<Locale> locales)
        Verifies an OAuth connection can be realized for the specified friend and root services. This method is notably useful to verify the consumer information stored in the friend are valid and recognized by the target application.
        rootServices - the root services of the remote OSLC server.
        friend - the friend to validate.
        locales - the locales to use for messages, in order of preference.
        a validation result, with an error message if the OAuth connection is not validated.