Package com.sodius.oslc.client.oauth
OSLC-aware HTTP client to execute requests on a OSLC remote application.
Interface Summary Interface Description Friend Provides information on a friend server on which OAuth connection is to realize.FriendProvider Provides access to a list of friends.OAuthHandler The handling of the OAuth connection.OAuthStoreListener A class can implement the OAuthStoreListener interface when it wants to be informed of changes in OAuthStore objects. -
Class Summary Class Description Friends Provides facilities to instantiate a FriendProvider and to parse root services resources.OAuthHeaders Defines headers used to perform authentication challenges between OSLC applications.OAuthStore Stores OAuth tokens approved by a user.OAuthStore.OAuthStoreSerializable Serializable equivalent for OAuth Store to support clustered environmentsOAuthStoreManager The central place for OAuth capabilities provided on client side. -
Exception Summary Exception Description AuthorizationLoopException Thrown when an OAuth authorization loop is detected.MissingFriendException Thrown when noFriend
is found to enable requesting a given resource from an OSLC Remote Application.