Fixes in this release

Release 3.14.2

Bug when searching for a Windchill Baseline

In the Local Configuration creation window, when searching for a Windchill Baseline the button was unresponsive. This bug has been fixed.

Release 3.14.0

TRS error when modifying a PartsLink attribute

When modifying a PartsLink attribute, a TRS storage error was generated in the logs. This bug has been fixed.

Installation error on Linux system

When performing an installation on a Linux system there was a problem with the Windchill Service detection. This bug has been fixed.

Release 3.13.0

Affected By Defect link creation error

When creating a link from a Windchill Change Object (only for a configuration enabled Product or Library) using the Affected By Defect link, the remote backlink Affects Plan Item was created, but the local Affected By Defect was not. This bug has been fixed.

Release 3.12.0

No known bugs were fixed in this release.

Release 3.11.0

Error message on Synchronize page

When trying to synchronize with a Global Configuration Manager while not yet connected to ELM, the error message displayed was badly formed.

Release 3.10.1

Bug when querying on Organization Name

There was a bug in the OSLC Query when querying on the Organization name, an error occurred when only one result was returned

Release 3.10.0

Global Configuration indicator on Part linking page

When the session with the Global Configuration Manager from Windchill is closed and the user navigates to the Part linking page, the Global Configuration indicator displayed "No configuration". This problem has been solved

Enumerated values in Change Objects Creation Dialog

When a field in the Creation Dialog was linked to an enumeration the list of allowed values was not properly displayed. This issue has been fixed

Missing Fields in Problem Report Creation Dialog

Some properties, even when filled in the Problem Report Creation Dialog, were not eventually set on the created Problem Report. This issue has been fixed

Release 3.9.0

Remove unused tab in Info page

On the OSLC Local Configuration information page, an unused additional tab was available that would display an error message. It has been removed

Link Settings Initialization

When navigating for the first time to the Linking Settings administration page an error occurred because the empty value returned from the database was incorrectly handled. The error message displayed in this case has also been corrected

Release 3.8.1

Unreachable Linking Settings Page

On Windchill environments where the context path is not /windchill, the Linking Settings administration page could not be open and resulted in HTTP 404.

Release 3.8.0

No known bugs were fixed in this release.

Release 3.7.0

Embedded help table of content

The embedded OSLC help could sometimes display an incorrect table of content.

Release 3.6.1

Installation script with verbose SQL logging

On some systems, verbose SQL logging was causing parsing issues during the extension installation scripts.

Product OID not found in Project Associations

On some Windchill versions, the product OID could not be found when creating associations, resulting in error OCWC-CMN007.

Release 3.6.0

HTML URI for Windchill component in GC Manager

When clicking on a Windchill component you are now redirected to the appropriate Windchill project page. If a Global Configuration context is present, it is saved in the browser and the user can navigate to a Windchill Part without losing this context.

Release 3.3.0

Link discovery with multiple method servers

Links between a Part and a ETM artifact are now displayed consistently with multiple method servers, whether or not the link indexer (LDX) is up to date.

Release 3.2.0

Workaround Strict Same-Site cookie policies in recent Browser versions

The Apache server configuration is modified for OSLC Connect URLs only, to allow the relaxation of browser's Same-Site cookie policy for OSLC Connect.

Recent versions of browsers such as Chrome and Firefox enforce by default a strict Same-Site cookie policy to prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.

This prevents OSLC interactions between friends from different domains to perform as expected. As such, OAuth interactions will fail, and previews and delegated dialogs will not display.

Support for Enterprise LDAP

On previous versions, some enterprise LDAPs on Windchill installations were causing various authentication errors in the OAuth interactions with OSLC Connect for Windchill.

Support for GC hierarchies

On previous versions, Windchill Local Configurations were not detected unless they were directly owned by the selected GC.

Release 3.1.0

Link validity in ELM no longer causes disconnects from the Windchill connector.

With link validity enabled in ELM applications, displaying an artifact with links to Windchill artifacts was repeatedly prompting for a Windchill authentication.

This was caused by ELM querying an unauthorized endpoint on Windchill, that is not part of the connector. This endpoint will now be redirected to the Windchill connector.

Release 3.0.0

Better User Information on the absent feature of Windchill artifact creation

On previous versions, the absent feature of Windchill artifact creation caused various errors in ETM.

While the creation of Windchill artifacts from a remote application is still not supported, the user experience is greatly improved with user information messages.

Better User Information on the absent feature of linking to Development plans

On previous versions, the absent feature of linking to Development plans caused various errors in ETM.

While the linking to Development plans from a remote application is still not supported, the user experience is greatly improved with user information messages.

Release 2.3.0

Warning of Duplicate link creation in Windchill

On previous versions, creating a link on Windchill could lead to warning of a duplicate link creation, even if it was not the case.