Mapping of Windchill attributes for OSLC Queries

Mapping of Windchill attributes

Below is the mapping table of Windchill attributes as exposed to OSLC properties that can be queried using an OSLC query.

Windchill Architecture Management

OSLC property Type Supported query operators Windchill attribute
dcterms:contributor user =, != Modified By
dcterms:created date <, >, =, != Created on
dcterms:creator user =, != Created By
wc_am:iteration string =, !=, in Iteration
dcterms:modified date <, >, =, != Updated
wc_am:name string =, !=, in Name
wc_am:number string =, !=, in Number
wc_am:organization string =, != Organization Name
wc_am:organizationId string =, != Organization Unique Identifier (Cage Code)
wc_am:revision string =, !=, in Revision
oslc:shortTitle string =, !=, in Number
wc_am:state string =, !=, in State
wc_am:status string =, !=, in Status
dcterms:title string =, !=, in Number:Name
wc_am:view string =, !=, in View

Windchill Change Management

OSLC property Type Supported query operators Windchill attribute
oslc_cm:approved boolean =, != State when approved
wc_cm:businessDecisionCategory URL =, !=, in Business Decision Category
wc_cm:businessDecisionSummary string =, !=, in Business Decision Summary
wc_cm:category URL =, !=, in Category
oslc_cm:closed boolean =, != State when closed
wc_cm:cn_complexity URL =, !=, in Change Notice Complexity
wc_cm:cr_complexity URL =, !=, in Change Request Complexity
wc_cm:confirmationCategory URL =, !=, in Confirmation Category
dcterms:contributor user =, != Modified By
dcterms:created date <, >, =, != Created On
dcterms:creator user =, != Created By
wc_cm:cycleTime date <, >, =, != Cycle Time
oslc_cm:fixed boolean =, != State when resolved
oslc_cm:inprogress boolean =, != State when in progress
wc_cm:issuePriority URL =, !=, in Problem Report Priority
dcterms:modified date <, >, =, != Modified On
wc_cm:name string =, !=, in Name
wc_cm:needDate date <, >, =, != Need Date
wc_cm:nonRecurringCost string =, !=, in Non Recurring Cost
wc_cm:number string =, !=, in Number
wc_cm:occurenceDate date <, >, =, != Problem Report Occurence Date
wc_cm:organization string =, != Organization Name
wc_cm:organizationId string =, != Organization Unique IDentifier (Cage Code)
wc_cm:pr_category URL =, !=, in Problem Report Category
wc_cm:priority URL =, !=, in Priority
wc_cm:recurring boolean =, != Problem Report Recurring
wc_cm:recurringCost string =, !=, in Recurring Cost
wc_cm:requester string =, !=, in Problem Report Requester
wc_cm:resolutionDate date <, >, =, != Resolution Date
wc_cm:reviewDescription string =, !=, in Review Description
oslc_cm:reviewed boolean =, != State when reviewed
oslc:shortId string =, !=, in Number
oslc:shortTitle string =, !=, in Number
oslc_cm:status string =, !=, in Status
dcterms:title string =, !=, in Number:Name
oslc_cm:verified boolean =, != State when verified

Collaboration Links

Collaboration links defined in Links across OSLC domains can be used in an OSLC Query. The value in the query must be the URL of a remote resource, target of a link type.

Refer to Examples of OSLC Queries for an concrete example.


A wildcard character can be used in an OSLC query. Its usage is limited in Windchill to searching for any collaboration link type.

Refer to Examples of OSLC Queries for an concrete example.

Value Type

Below are the type of values that can be used in the oslc.where parameter, depending on the OSLC Property used.

Refer to Get the allowed values for an Enumerated attribute to know how to get the authorized values for an Enumerated attribute queried with an URL parameter.

Type Value examples
string "my value"
"value*" and "value%" will perform a like for an attribute starting with "value"
boolean true
date "2023-11-20T10:29:00Z"
user <https://SERVER:PORT/Windchill/oslc-connect/person/USER-ID>
URL <https://SERVER:PORT/Windchill/oslc-connect/cm/resourceShape/WindchillProblemReport/OR:wt.pdmlink.PDMLinkProduct:PRODUCT_ID#issuePriority.RU1FUkdFTkNZ>