Configuring Product Associations

To reach the Product Associations page:
  • Log in to Windchill with a user having the Product or Library Manager role.
  • Navigate to the Windchill product or libray details page.
  • Locate and click on the OSLC Connect tab added after installation of the Windchill extension.
  • Locate the Project Associations panel.
  • This app supports the following associations and corresponding link types per application domain:

    Application Domain Compatible Windchill Artifacts Association Type Collaboration Link Type
    Requirements Management (RM) Part Uses - Requirements Derives
    Change Request, Change Notice, Problem Report Provides - Implementation Requests Implements Requirement
    Affects Requirement
    Provides - Requirements Change Requests Tracks Requirement
    Change Management (CM) Change Request, Change Notice, Problem Report Provides - Related Change Requests Related Change Request
    Affects Plan Item
    Affected By Defect
    Contributes To
    Quality Management (QM) Change Request, Change Notice, Problem Report Provides - Defects Tested By Test Case
    Blocks Test Execution
    Affects Test Result
    Provides - Quality Management Tasks Related Test Case
    Related Test Execution
    Related Test Plan
    Related Test Script
    Part Provides - Architecture Elements Validated By