Making sure ELM Report Builder has a LQE data source using configurations

If Windchill administrators have notified you they require both Global Configurations and Jazz Reporting Service or IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization services, there is a final task you need to perform before completing your configuration: making sure Report Builder (RB) has an LQE data source supporting configurations, otherwise RB users won't be able to build reports based on a given configuration.

Official RB documentation says RB should get this configuration-aware data source (called LQE scoped by a configuration) automatically since the moment the first DOORS Next or ETM project is Configuration Management enabled; however, if by some reason this data source is not available, you need to enable it on your own.

To check whether LQE scoped by a configuration data source is available:

  1. In a browser window, open the RB Setup page at https://server:port/rs/setup.
  2. In the Connect to data source area, expand the Select a default data source combo.

If LQE scoped by a configuration data source is listed, there is nothing else to do. Otherwise:

  1. Click on the Connect to data source label within the area the Select a default data source combo is.
  2. LQE data sources will be updated, expand the Select a default data source combo again.

This time, LQE scoped by a configuration must be listed. This is the data source RB users need to use when like to build reports based on a configuration.