Mapping of Jira fields for OSLC Queries

Mapping of Jira system fields

Below is the mapping table of Jira fields as exposed to OSLC properties that can be queried using an OSLC query.

OSLC property Type Supported query operators Jira field
jira:affectsVersion string =, !=, in Affected version
oslc_cm:approved boolean =, != Not mapped to a direct Jira field but to the Issue Approval Strategy defined on the project
jira:assignee user =, !=, in Assignee
oslc_cm:closeDate date <, > Resolution Date
oslc_cm:closed boolean =, != Status Category when done
dcterms:contributor user =, !=, in Assignee
dcterms:created date <, > Created
dcterms:creator user =, !=, in Creator
dcterms:description string =, != Description
jira:estimate jira-duration <, > Remaining estimate
jira:fixVersion string =, !=, in Fix Version
oslc_cm:fixed boolean =, != Status Category when done
dcterms:identifier string =, !=, in Key
oslc_cm:inprogress boolean =, != Status Category when indeterminate
jira:label string =, !=, in Labels
dcterms:modified date <, > Updated
jira:originalEstimate jira-duration <, > Original estimate
jira:priority string =, !=, in Priority
jira:reporter user =, !=, in Reporter
jira:resolution string =, !=, in Resolution
dcterms:resolutionDate date <, > Resolution date
oslc:shortId string =, !=, in Key
oslc:shortTitle string =, !=, in Key
oslc_cm:status string =, !=, in Status
jira:timeSpent jira-duration <, > Time spent
dcterms:title string =, != Summary
dcterms:type string =, !=, in Type

Mapping of Jira custom fields

Custom fields defined in Jira can be used in an OSLC Query. The OSLC property name is jira_x:customfield_CUSTOM_FIELD_ID. The type of value used in the query must match the custom field type.

Refer to Examples of OSLC Queries for an concrete example.

Collaboration Links

Collaboration links defined in Links across OSLC domains can be used in an OSLC Query. The value in the query must be the URL of a remote resource, target of a link type.

Refer to Examples of OSLC Queries for an concrete example.


A wildcard character can be used in an OSLC query. Its usage is limited in Jira to searching for any collaboration link type.

Refer to Examples of OSLC Queries for an concrete example.

Value Type

Below are the type of values that can be used in the oslc.where parameter, depending on the OSLC Property used.

Type Value examples
string "my value"
boolean true
date "2023-11-20T10:29:00Z"
user <https://SERVER:PORT/rest/oslc/1.0/cm/user/USER-ID>
jira-duration "2w 1d 3h"