Configuring Issue Previews

To reach the Issue Previews page, log-in as an administrator and click on JIRA ADMINISTRATION > Manage apps in the banner. Then, locate the OSLC Connect section and click on Issue Previews.

In a regular scenario, when a Collaboration Link is created to an artifact in a remote application, a backlink is also created in the remote application back to the Jira issue. If the remote application has registered Jira as friend, it is possible to get a preview of the Jira issue by hovering the backlink [1]. This Issue preview contains the following Issue fields by default:

By setting this configuration, you can extend the preview information by including more fields. The only thing you need to do is to create a custom Jira screen with the extra fields you want to include and then associate it with an Issue Type Scheme. This way all issues of all projects using such scheme will use the extended preview. You can go even further and define custom previews for the Issue Types within the scheme, screens defined at the Issue Type level will override then the one defined at the scheme level, if any.

It is worth to mention that all tabs defined on the screen will be considered to create fields sections (named as the corresponding tabs) where the fields will be grouped in. Fields sections will be arranged on the preview in a two-per-line fashion, keeping the same order in which they were defined on the screen.

Once the Jira screen has been defined:

  1. Select the scheme for which you want to configure the issue previews in the Scheme combo.
  2. A combo and a table will be displayed. The combo is to select the screen used for the whole Issue Type Scheme, whereas the table is to override the scheme screen and define another one at the Issue Type level. Expand the Scheme Screen combo and select the chosen screen to expand the corresponding previews. [2]
  3. Click on the Save button located at the top right corner of the page.

To customize the scheme screen at Issue Type level:

  1. Locate the Issue Type for overriding the scheme screen.
  2. Click on the Customize link located in the second column.
  3. Expand the corresponding combo to select a screen [2].
  4. Click on the Save button located at the top right corner of the page.

To restore the scheme screen at Issue Type level:

  1. Locate the Issue Type to restore the screen.
  2. Click on the Restore button located in the second column.
  3. Click on the Save button located at the top right corner of the page.