Configuring LDX with OSLC Connect for Jira TRS feeds

When Configuration Management is enabled in an IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management project, Collaboration back links are not stored along with the artifact itself, they are managed by IBM Link Index Provider (LDX) and it must be installed/configured in order to see back links. If LDX is not installed, there is no way to get back links displayed, try to install it before continue.

Having LDX installed:

  1. Follow the steps defined in this Adding data sources to Lifecycle Query Engine by using root services documents to add OSLC Connect for Jira CM Resources (TRS 2.0) feed in LDX [1], [2] using following data:
    Field Value Required in Jazz Procedure Step
    Root Services URL http[s]://<jira_host_name>:<port>[/jira]/rest/oslc/1.0/rootservices 3
    Data Source URL http[s]://<host_name>:<port>[/jira]/rest/oslc/1.0/cm/trs 3
    Label OSLC Connect for Jira CM Resources (TRS 2.0) 4
    OAuth Consumer Key Jira's LDX consumer key (ask it to Jira's server administrator) 7
    OAuth Consumer Secret Jira's LDX consumer secret (ask it to Jira's server administrator) 7
  2. Repeat the same steps to register a data source for OSLC Connect for Jira QM Resources (TRS 2.0) feed using following data:
    Field Value Required in Jazz Procedure Step
    Root Services URL http[s]://<jira_host_name>:<port>[/jira]/rest/oslc/1.0/rootservices 3
    Data Source URL http[s]://<host_name>:<port>[/jira]/rest/oslc/1.0/qm/trs 3
    Label OSLC Connect for Jira QM Resources (TRS 2.0) 4
    OAuth Consumer Key Jira's LDX consumer key (ask it to Jira's server administrator) 7
    OAuth Consumer Secret Jira's LDX consumer secret (ask it to Jira's server administrator) 7

If everything went well, you will see new data sources registered and updated in LDX Data Sources page.