Once you have instantiated an OSLC client, you can use the GetCollection class to request the content of a DOORS Next Collection.
OslcClient client = OslcClients.jazzForm(new UsernamePasswordCredentials("myUser", "myPassword")).create(); URI collectionUri = URI.create("https://myServer:9443/rm/myCollection"); DngCollection collection = new GetCollection(client, collectionUri).get(); System.out.println("Title: " + collection.getTitle()); System.out.println("Identifier: " + collection.getIdentifier()); System.out.println("Uses: "); for (URI requirementUri : collection.getUses()) { System.out.println("- " + requirementUri); }
Creating an OSLC client
Querying OSLC Resources
Using OSLC Configurations
Adding a Requirement in a Collection