Class CreateModule

    • Constructor Detail

      • CreateModule

        public CreateModule​(OslcClient client,
                            URI creationFactory,
                            Module module)
        Creates a request to create a DOORS Next Module.

        Here is the required information in the specified module:

        • title: the module title.
        • parentFolder: the folder in which the module is to create.
        • instanceShape: the type of module to create. This type can be discovered using GetModuleService, which returns a creation factory per module type.

        Here is the optional information the module may provide:

        • description: the description to assign to the created module.

        The URI of the created module can then be obtained through the "Location" header provided in the request response.

        client - the OSLC client to connect to the application.
        creationFactory - the URI of the creation factory, as provided by the service in GetModuleService. A oslc_config.context parameter can be added to this URI for using a specific configuration.
        module - the module to create.
        See Also: