Fixes in this release

Release 1.5.0

Error display in association dialogs

When an error occured in the project associations and the scheme association pages, the user was not informed. There is now an error toaster displayed.

Release 1.4.1

OSLC scheme association

There was an issue when trying to change the OSLC scheme associated to a Confluence space. The change is now saved properly whether it comes from the space tools or the scheme administration page.

OSLC plugin conflict with code block macro

In some cases, inserting 'code block' macros in a page while having OSLC Connect for Confluence enabled would break the display of the page. This patch release simplified the styles and scripts of some element to avoid conflicts that would break the page.

Release 1.4.0

No known bugs were fixed on this release.

Release 1.3.1

Compatibility with Confluence 8.6.x.

Atlassian introduced API breaking changes in Confluence 8.6.0. This patch release restores support for Confluence 8.6.0, while maintaining compatibility with lower versions.

Release 1.3.0

Preview missing for some linked Polarion documents.

There was no OSLC rich preview for some linked Polarion documents containing spaces in their title.

Inline links in paragraphs.

Inline links in paragraphs were displayed with line breaks. They are now correctly displayed inline, along the surrounding text.