Integrating Metamodel

HTTP Interface

Method URL Description
GET /mdworkbench/metamodel Provides access to a list of available metamodels and connectors

Request Header

  • Accept (optional): the media type which is acceptable for the response. Values can either be application/json (default) or application/xml.

Response Header

  • Content-Type: the media type of the response content. Values can either be application/json (default) or application/xml.

Response Body

JSON or XML content of metamodels.
See /mdworkbench/metamodel/<id> method for details.
GET /mdworkbench/metamodel/<id> Provides access to a specific metamodel and its connectors.

Request URL Path

  • <id>: must be a valid metamodel identifier (e.g. doors).

Request Header

  • Accept (optional): the media type which is acceptable for the response. Values can either be application/json (default) or application/xml.

Response Header

  • Content-Type: the media type of the response content. Values can either be application/json (default) or application/xml.

Response Body

A JSON or XML node:
  • id: id of the metamodel.
  • uri: uri of the metamodel within the server (i.e. the request uri).
  • name: internal name of the metamodel.
  • presentationName: display name of the metamodel.
  • version: version of the metamodel.
  • modelReaders: array of nodes representing a model reader.
  • modelWriters: array of nodes representing a model writer.
JSON or XML node for model readers and writers:
  • name: name of the connector.
  • kind: kind of connector: file, directory, noURI, unspecified.
  • fileExtensions: if the connector kind is file, an array of supported file extensions:
    • extension - file extension (e.g. xml).
    • description - description of the extension.
    • default - boolean that determines if this is the default connector file extension.

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