Customizing log and progress report

Changing the logger

By default, MDWorkbench prints log messages to System.out and System.err. You can change the logger using a subclass of com.sodius.mdw.core.util.log.Logger and calling the setLogger() API:

MDWorkbench mdw = MDWorkbenchFactory.create();

You may use predefined loggers, defined in the package com.sodius.mdw.core.util.log

This example logs messages into the file c:\log\myFile.log:

File logFile = new File("c:\\log\\myFile.log");
mdw.getConfiguration().setLogger(new FileLogger(logFile));

This example redirects System.out and System.err streams to a file logger:

File logFile = new File("c:\\log\\myFile.log");
FileLogger logger = new FileLogger(logFile);

try {
finally {

Reporting progress

When executing a launch configuration, you can use a progress monitor to report progresss and to have the ability to cancel the evaluation. A progress monitor behavior is defined by the interface com.sodius.mdw.core.util.progress.ProgressMonitor.

Here is an example of progress monitor implementation that just reports progress messages to System.out:

import com.sodius.mdw.core.util.progress.NullProgressMonitor;

public class SystemStreamMonitor extends NullProgressMonitor {
    private String currentProgress = null;

    public void beginTask(String name, int totalWork) {

    public void subTask(String name) {

    public void setTaskName(String name) {
    private void progress(String name) {
        if (name != null && name.length() != 0) {
            if (! name.equals(this.currentProgress)) {
                this.currentProgress = name;
                System.out.println("[progress] " + this.currentProgress);

Now we can use this progress monitor as an argument of the evaluate() method:

MDWorkbench mdw = MDWorkbenchFactory.create();
LaunchConfiguration configuration = ...
mdw.evaluate(configuration, new SystemStreamMonitor());

Handling user cancellation

During a launch execution, MDWorkbench regulary checks for end-user cancellation. This is done by calling the method isCanceled() of the progress monitor.

You may define your own progress monitor implementation that reports progress as a progress bar dialog, with a cancel button that changes the state of the isCanceled() method.

Related reference
MDWorkbench APIs
Logger package
ProgressMonitor package