Model Viewer Participant


MDWorkbench 3.0.0

Enables to adapt the structure and the display of model elements.

A metamodel administrator may provide label decorations and filters that the end-user can activate or deactivate at any time in the model editor. He may also contribute to display the documentation of model elements in tooltips.

Keywords: keywords are used to create a lightweight connections between views displaying various model elements and viewer participants (label decorators, content providers and filters). Rather than explicitly having to reference specific views, a viewer participant states the kind of elements it can handle, though the use of keywords. Each view declares the keywords it can handle, letting the platform bind the corresponding viewer participants.

Here are some notable keywords:

Keyword Description Class
instance instances contained in a model com.sodius.mdw.model.MDWObject
feature feature of a metatype org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature
attribute attribute of a metatype org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute
reference reference of a metatype org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference

<!ELEMENT extension (labelDecorator* , viewerFilter* , contentProvider* , documentationProvider*)>

<!ATTLIST extension




<!ELEMENT labelDecorator EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST labelDecorator

id          CDATA #REQUIRED

name        CDATA #REQUIRED

description CDATA #IMPLIED

metamodel   CDATA #IMPLIED

class       CDATA #REQUIRED

enabled     (true | false)

keywords    CDATA #REQUIRED>

a decorator in charge to customize the labels of model elements. This is used for example by the platform to suffix model elements with their respective type names. A decorator may be activated or deactivated at any time by the user.

<!ELEMENT viewerFilter EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST viewerFilter

id          CDATA #REQUIRED

name        CDATA #REQUIRED

description CDATA #IMPLIED

metamodel   CDATA #IMPLIED

class       CDATA #REQUIRED

enabled     (true | false)

keywords    CDATA #REQUIRED>

a filter used to hide some model elements based on a specific criterium. A filter may be activated or deactivated at any time by the user.

<!ELEMENT contentProvider EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST contentProvider

id              CDATA #REQUIRED

name            CDATA #REQUIRED

description     CDATA #IMPLIED

metamodel       CDATA #IMPLIED

enabled         (true | false)

keywords        CDATA #REQUIRED

contentProvider CDATA #REQUIRED

labelProvider   CDATA #IMPLIED

viewerSorter    CDATA #IMPLIED

viewerFilter    CDATA #IMPLIED

priority        (highest|higher|high|normal|low|lower|lowest) >

a content provider used to add additional contents to elements displayed in the model editor. A content provider may be activated or deactivated at any time by the user.

<!ELEMENT documentationProvider EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST documentationProvider



class     CDATA #REQUIRED>

provides documentation for model elements of a particular metamodel. This documentation is shown in a tooltip in the model editor. Only one documentation provider may be contributed per metamodel. For example, a documentation provider is contributed by UML 2.1 metamodel to show the body of the first Comment attached to a model element.

Following is an example of a Label Decorator extension enabled for all metamodels:

<extension point=



<labelDecorator class=



"Suffix instances with their type name.\ne.g. MyClass (Class)"








"Suffix instances with type name"



Following is an example of a Documentation Provider extension for the UML 2.1 metamodel:

<extension point=



<documentationProvider class=






