Model Editor Widget Mapping


MDWorkbench 3.0.0

This extension point enables to control the edition of attribute values of model elements in the Properties view.

Here are the predefined attributes editors:

editorKind Description
textSingle A single-line Text field, default for String and number attributes
textMulti A multi-line Text field, default for "Text" datatypes
richText A multi-line Styled Text field, default for "RichText" datatypes
checkbox A checkbox, default for boolean attributes
combo A combobox, default for enumeration attributes
radio A radio button based widget, may be used for enumeration attributes
image An image visualizer, default for "Image" datatypes, may be used for String attributes

<!ELEMENT extension (editorWidgetMapping*)>

<!ATTLIST extension




<!ELEMENT editorWidgetMapping (attributeMapping* , dataTypeMapping*)>

<!ATTLIST editorWidgetMapping


metamodel CDATA #REQUIRED>

enables to control the binding of editor widgets for specific attributes of a metamodel.

<!ELEMENT attributeMapping (enumLiteral*)>

<!ATTLIST attributeMapping

name           CDATA #REQUIRED

editorKind     (textSingle|textMulti|richText|checkbox|combo|radio|image)

editable       (true | false)>

defines a widget mapping for a specific attribute

<!ELEMENT dataTypeMapping (enumLiteral*)>

<!ATTLIST dataTypeMapping

name           CDATA #REQUIRED

editorKind     (textSingle|textMulti|richText|checkbox|combo|radio|image)

editable       (true | false)>

defines a mapping for all attributes whose type matches a specific datatype

<!ELEMENT enumLiteral EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST enumLiteral


defines literal values, that will be displayed in an editable combobox. This element may be used with String attributes mapped to a combo editor. It enables to define some user-extensible enumerations for String attributes.

Following is an example of a Widget Mapping extension for UML 2.1 metamodel. This maps the VisibilityKind enumeration to radio buttons (rather than a combobox), and the body attribute of Comment to a multiline text field.


<extension point=



<editorWidgetMapping id=





<dataTypeMapping editorKind=





<attributeMapping editorKind=





