public interface LoopNode extends StructuredActivityNode
The following features are supported:
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
InputPin |
createLoopVariableInput(String name,
Type type)
Creates a new
InputPin , with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', and
appends it to the 'Loop Variable Input' containment reference list |
InputPin |
createLoopVariableInput(String name,
Type type,
EClass eClass)
Creates a new
InputPin , with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', and
appends it to the 'Loop Variable Input' containment reference list |
OutputPin |
createResult(String name,
Type type)
Creates a new
OutputPin , with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', and
appends it to the 'Result' containment reference list |
OutputPin |
getBodyOutput(String name,
Type type)
Retrieves the first
OutputPin with the specified 'Name', and 'Type' from
the 'Body Output' reference list |
OutputPin |
getBodyOutput(String name,
Type type,
boolean ignoreCase)
Retrieves the first
OutputPin with the specified 'Name', and 'Type' from
the 'Body Output' reference list |
MDWEList<OutputPin> |
Returns the value of the 'Body Output' reference list.
ExecutableNode |
getBodyPart(String name)
Retrieves the first
ExecutableNode with the specified 'Name' from the '
Body Part' reference list |
ExecutableNode |
getBodyPart(String name,
boolean ignoreCase,
EClass eClass)
Retrieves the first
ExecutableNode with the specified 'Name' from the '
Body Part' reference list |
MDWEList<ExecutableNode> |
Returns the value of the 'Body Part' reference list.
OutputPin |
Returns the value of the 'Decider' reference
OutputPin |
getLoopVariable(String name,
Type type)
Retrieves the first
OutputPin with the specified 'Name', and 'Type' from
the 'Loop Variable' reference list |
OutputPin |
getLoopVariable(String name,
Type type,
boolean ignoreCase)
Retrieves the first
OutputPin with the specified 'Name', and 'Type' from
the 'Loop Variable' reference list |
InputPin |
getLoopVariableInput(String name,
Type type)
Retrieves the first
InputPin with the specified 'Name', and 'Type' from
the 'Loop Variable Input' containment reference list |
InputPin |
getLoopVariableInput(String name,
Type type,
boolean ignoreCase,
EClass eClass,
boolean createOnDemand)
Retrieves the first
InputPin with the specified 'Name', and 'Type' from
the 'Loop Variable Input' containment reference list |
MDWEList<InputPin> |
Returns the value of the 'Loop Variable Input' containment reference list.
MDWEList<OutputPin> |
Returns the value of the 'Loop Variable' reference list.
OutputPin |
getResult(String name,
Type type)
Retrieves the first
OutputPin with the specified 'Name', and 'Type' from
the 'Result' containment reference list |
OutputPin |
getResult(String name,
Type type,
boolean ignoreCase,
boolean createOnDemand)
Retrieves the first
OutputPin with the specified 'Name', and 'Type' from
the 'Result' containment reference list |
MDWEList<OutputPin> |
Returns the value of the 'Result' containment reference list.
ExecutableNode |
getSetupPart(String name)
Retrieves the first
ExecutableNode with the specified 'Name' from the '
Setup Part' reference list |
ExecutableNode |
getSetupPart(String name,
boolean ignoreCase,
EClass eClass)
Retrieves the first
ExecutableNode with the specified 'Name' from the '
Setup Part' reference list |
MDWEList<ExecutableNode> |
Returns the value of the 'Setup Part' reference list.
ExecutableNode |
getTest(String name)
Retrieves the first
ExecutableNode with the specified 'Name' from the '
Test' reference list |
ExecutableNode |
getTest(String name,
boolean ignoreCase,
EClass eClass)
Retrieves the first
ExecutableNode with the specified 'Name' from the '
Test' reference list |
MDWEList<ExecutableNode> |
Returns the value of the 'Test' reference list.
boolean |
Returns the value of the 'Is Tested First' attribute.
void |
setDecider(OutputPin value)
Sets the value of the '
Decider ' reference |
void |
setIsTestedFirst(boolean value)
Sets the value of the '
Is Tested First ' attribute |
boolean |
validateBodyOutputPins(DiagnosticChain diagnostics,
Map context)
The bodyOutput pins are output pins on actions in the body of the loop node.
boolean |
validateInputEdges(DiagnosticChain diagnostics,
Map context)
Loop variable inputs must not have outgoing edges.
boolean |
validateResultNoIncoming(DiagnosticChain diagnostics,
Map context)
The result output pins have no incoming edges.
createEdge, createNode, createStructuredNodeInput, createStructuredNodeInput, createStructuredNodeOutput, createVariable, getEdge, getEdge, getEdges, getNode, getNode, getNodes, getStructuredNodeInput, getStructuredNodeInput, getStructuredNodeInputs, getStructuredNodeOutput, getStructuredNodeOutput, getStructuredNodeOutputs, getVariable, getVariable, getVariables, isMustIsolate, setMustIsolate, validateEdges
createLocalPostcondition, createLocalPostcondition, createLocalPrecondition, createLocalPrecondition, getContext, getInput, getInput, getInputs, getLocalPostcondition, getLocalPostcondition, getLocalPostconditions, getLocalPrecondition, getLocalPrecondition, getLocalPreconditions, getOutput, getOutput, getOutputs
createHandler, getHandlers
getActivity, getIncoming, getIncoming, getIncomings, getInGroups, getInInterruptibleRegions, getInPartition, getInPartition, getInPartitions, getInStructuredNode, getOutgoing, getOutgoing, getOutgoings, getRedefinedNode, getRedefinedNode, getRedefinedNodes, setActivity, setInStructuredNode, validateOwned, validateOwnedStructuredNode
getRedefinedElement, getRedefinedElement, getRedefinedElements, getRedefinitionContext, getRedefinitionContext, getRedefinitionContexts, isConsistentWith, isLeaf, isRedefinitionContextValid, setIsLeaf, validateRedefinitionConsistent, validateRedefinitionContextValid
allNamespaces, allOwningPackages, createDependency, createNameExpression, getClientDependencies, getClientDependency, getClientDependency, getLabel, getLabel, getName, getNameExpression, getNamespace, getQualifiedName, getVisibility, isDistinguishableFrom, isSetName, isSetVisibility, separator, setName, setNameExpression, setVisibility, unsetName, unsetVisibility, validateHasNoQualifiedName, validateHasQualifiedName, validateVisibilityNeedsOwnership
addKeyword, allOwnedElements, applyStereotype, createEAnnotation, createOwnedComment, destroy, getApplicableStereotype, getApplicableStereotypes, getAppliedStereotype, getAppliedStereotypes, getAppliedSubstereotype, getAppliedSubstereotypes, getKeywords, getModel, getNearestPackage, getOwnedComments, getOwnedElements, getOwner, getRelationships, getRelationships, getRequiredStereotype, getRequiredStereotypes, getSourceDirectedRelationships, getSourceDirectedRelationships, getStereotypeApplication, getStereotypeApplications, getTargetDirectedRelationships, getTargetDirectedRelationships, getValue, hasKeyword, hasValue, isStereotypeApplicable, isStereotypeApplied, isStereotypeRequired, mustBeOwned, removeKeyword, setValue, unapplyStereotype, validateHasOwner, validateNotOwnSelf
compareTo, eExtendedClass, eIsInstanceOf, eIsInstanceOf, eIsProfiled, eIsRemoved, eMetamodel, eMetaTypeName, eModel, eRemove, eSetUniqueID, eUniqueID, superScript, superScript, toBoolean, toBoolean, toByte, toByte, toChar, toChar, toDouble, toDouble, toFloat, toFloat, toInt, toInt, toList, toList, toList, toList, toList, toLong, toLong, toObject, toObject, toSet, toSet, toShort, toShort, toString, toString
getEAnnotation, getEAnnotations
eAllContents, eClass, eContainer, eContainingFeature, eContainmentFeature, eContents, eCrossReferences, eGet, eGet, eInvoke, eIsProxy, eIsSet, eResource, eSet, eUnset
eAdapters, eDeliver, eNotify, eSetDeliver
createElementImport, createElementImport, createOwnedDiagram, createOwnedRule, createOwnedRule, createPackageImport, createPackageImport, excludeCollisions, getElementImport, getElementImport, getElementImports, getImportedElements, getImportedMember, getImportedMember, getImportedMembers, getImportedPackages, getMember, getMember, getMembers, getNamesOfMember, getOwnedDiagrams, getOwnedDiagrams, getOwnedMember, getOwnedMember, getOwnedMembers, getOwnedRule, getOwnedRule, getOwnedRules, getPackageImport, getPackageImport, getPackageImports, importMembers, membersAreDistinguishable, validateMembersDistinguishable
getContainedEdge, getContainedEdge, getContainedEdges, getContainedNode, getContainedNode, getContainedNodes, getInActivity, getSubgroups, getSuperGroup, setInActivity, validateGroupOwned, validateNodesAndEdges, validateNotContained
boolean isTestedFirst()
If true, the test is performed before the first execution of the body.
If false, the body is executed once before the test is performed.
void setIsTestedFirst(boolean value)
Is Tested First
' attribute.
- the new value of the 'Is Tested First' attribute.isTestedFirst()
MDWEList<ExecutableNode> getBodyParts()
The set of nodes and edges that perform the repetitive computations of the loop. The body section is executed as long as the test section
produces a true value.
ExecutableNode getBodyPart(String name)
with the specified 'Name' from the '
Body Part' reference list.
- The 'Name' of the ExecutableNode
to retrieve, or null
with the specified 'Name', or null
ExecutableNode getBodyPart(String name, boolean ignoreCase, EClass eClass)
with the specified 'Name' from the '
Body Part' reference list.
- The 'Name' of the ExecutableNode
to retrieve, or null
- Whether to ignore case in String
- The Ecore class of the ExecutableNode
to retrieve, or null
with the specified 'Name', or null
MDWEList<ExecutableNode> getSetupParts()
The set of nodes and edges that initialize values or perform other setup computations for the loop.
ExecutableNode getSetupPart(String name)
with the specified 'Name' from the '
Setup Part' reference list.
- The 'Name' of the ExecutableNode
to retrieve, or null
with the specified 'Name', or null
ExecutableNode getSetupPart(String name, boolean ignoreCase, EClass eClass)
with the specified 'Name' from the '
Setup Part' reference list.
- The 'Name' of the ExecutableNode
to retrieve, or null
- Whether to ignore case in String
- The Ecore class of the ExecutableNode
to retrieve, or null
with the specified 'Name', or null
OutputPin getDecider()
void setDecider(OutputPin value)
' reference.
- the new value of the 'Decider' reference.getDecider()
MDWEList<ExecutableNode> getTests()
The set of nodes, edges, and designated value that compute a Boolean value to determine if another execution of the body will be performed.
ExecutableNode getTest(String name)
with the specified 'Name' from the '
Test' reference list.
- The 'Name' of the ExecutableNode
to retrieve, or null
with the specified 'Name', or null
ExecutableNode getTest(String name, boolean ignoreCase, EClass eClass)
with the specified 'Name' from the '
Test' reference list.
- The 'Name' of the ExecutableNode
to retrieve, or null
- Whether to ignore case in String
- The Ecore class of the ExecutableNode
to retrieve, or null
with the specified 'Name', or null
MDWEList<OutputPin> getResults()
A list of output pins that constitute the data flow output of the entire loop.
OutputPin createResult(String name, Type type)
, with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', and
appends it to the 'Result' containment reference list.
- The 'Name' for the new OutputPin
, or null
- The 'Type' for the new OutputPin
, or null
OutputPin getResult(String name, Type type)
with the specified 'Name', and 'Type' from
the 'Result' containment reference list.
- The 'Name' of the OutputPin
to retrieve, or null
- The 'Type' of the OutputPin
to retrieve, or null
with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', or
OutputPin getResult(String name, Type type, boolean ignoreCase, boolean createOnDemand)
with the specified 'Name', and 'Type' from
the 'Result' containment reference list.
- The 'Name' of the OutputPin
to retrieve, or null
- The 'Type' of the OutputPin
to retrieve, or null
- Whether to ignore case in String
- Whether to create a OutputPin
on demand if not found.OutputPin
with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', or
MDWEList<OutputPin> getLoopVariables()
A list of output pins that hold the values of the loop variables during an execution of the loop. When the test fails, the values are movied to
the result pins of the loop.
OutputPin getLoopVariable(String name, Type type)
with the specified 'Name', and 'Type' from
the 'Loop Variable' reference list.
- The 'Name' of the OutputPin
to retrieve, or null
- The 'Type' of the OutputPin
to retrieve, or null
with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', or
OutputPin getLoopVariable(String name, Type type, boolean ignoreCase)
with the specified 'Name', and 'Type' from
the 'Loop Variable' reference list.
- The 'Name' of the OutputPin
to retrieve, or null
- The 'Type' of the OutputPin
to retrieve, or null
- Whether to ignore case in String
with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', or
MDWEList<OutputPin> getBodyOutputs()
A list of output pins within the body fragment the values of which are moved to the loop variable pins after completion of execution of the
body, before the next iteration of the loop begins or before the loop exits.
OutputPin getBodyOutput(String name, Type type)
with the specified 'Name', and 'Type' from
the 'Body Output' reference list.
- The 'Name' of the OutputPin
to retrieve, or null
- The 'Type' of the OutputPin
to retrieve, or null
with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', or
OutputPin getBodyOutput(String name, Type type, boolean ignoreCase)
with the specified 'Name', and 'Type' from
the 'Body Output' reference list.
- The 'Name' of the OutputPin
to retrieve, or null
- The 'Type' of the OutputPin
to retrieve, or null
- Whether to ignore case in String
with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', or
MDWEList<InputPin> getLoopVariableInputs()
A list of values that are moved into the loop variable pins before the first iteration of the loop.
InputPin createLoopVariableInput(String name, Type type, EClass eClass)
, with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', and
appends it to the 'Loop Variable Input' containment reference list.
- The 'Name' for the new InputPin
, or null
- The 'Type' for the new InputPin
, or null
- The Ecore class of the InputPin
to create.InputPin
InputPin createLoopVariableInput(String name, Type type)
, with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', and
appends it to the 'Loop Variable Input' containment reference list.
- The 'Name' for the new InputPin
, or null
- The 'Type' for the new InputPin
, or null
InputPin getLoopVariableInput(String name, Type type)
with the specified 'Name', and 'Type' from
the 'Loop Variable Input' containment reference list.
- The 'Name' of the InputPin
to retrieve, or null
- The 'Type' of the InputPin
to retrieve, or null
with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', or
InputPin getLoopVariableInput(String name, Type type, boolean ignoreCase, EClass eClass, boolean createOnDemand)
with the specified 'Name', and 'Type' from
the 'Loop Variable Input' containment reference list.
- The 'Name' of the InputPin
to retrieve, or null
- The 'Type' of the InputPin
to retrieve, or null
- Whether to ignore case in String
- The Ecore class of the InputPin
to retrieve, or null
- Whether to create a InputPin
on demand if not found.InputPin
with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', or
boolean validateInputEdges(DiagnosticChain diagnostics, Map context)
boolean validateBodyOutputPins(DiagnosticChain diagnostics, Map context)
boolean validateResultNoIncoming(DiagnosticChain diagnostics, Map context)