Top Level Elements

Important Note: Writing data in DOORS is a non trivial task when it comes to determine exactly what should be written and how, notably when an update of existing data is to be performed.
Rather than using the model writer, you are now strongly encouraged to use the commands framework, which allows a Java programmer to control the update of DOORS data with fine grained interactions.

This property defines the list of Items (i.e. Folder, Project and Module) from the MDWorkbench model to be exported into DOORS database.

Its format is the qualified names of the concerned Items separated by a semicolumn.

Qualified Name

A qualified name is the complete path of an Item followed by it own name.
For example, if we have a FormalModule "FormalModule1" contained by a Folder "Folder1" which is a root of the MDWorkbench model, the qualified name of the Module is "/Folder1/FormalModule1".
The qualifed name of an Item is directly accessible from the "qualifiedName" feature of Item metatype.

There is an exception in the qualified name mechanism: if a Folder named "Root Folder" is as root of the MDWorkbench model, its qualified name is "/".

Top Level Elements definition

Here is an example of "Top Level Elements" property (TLE):

Note that the Folder "/MyFolder" is present in the TLE in order to respect the hierarchy of the MDWorkbench model.

It is possible to take only some parts of the model. These parts will be written in the Folder or the Project of the DOORS database designed by the "com.sodius.mdw.doors.doors_base" property (DOORS Insertion Point in the UI).
For example, if the "/MyFolder" folder was not present in the TLE, only the 2 nested modules will be written under the insertion point.
Items order is not important in TLE.

There are two exceptions: