Troubleshooting Publisher for Rational Software Architect


There are Logging and Debugging services available with Publisher for Rational Software Architect. These logs contain information that enable the user to be able to actively identify problems and are useful to guide the support team without revealing internal details.

Publisher “Eclipse” Log

Publisher for Rational Software Architect is an Eclipse Runtime product.
Whenever it encounters a problem that does not warrant launching a dialog, Eclipse saves a report in the workspace log file.

The log file can be looked at in three alternate ways:

When the Java VM suffers a hard crash, it produces a separate logging file with the naming convention hs_err_pidXXXXX.log.
These files are also helpful for diagnosing problems.

Sanitized Logs

With Rational Software Architect UML to MagicDraw, the user has the ability to have a detailed log of operations to support identification of failures. This allows the ability to identify problematic areas of a model. They are useful for both developers and users.
Since the Rational Software Architect UML to MagicDraw is a two-step process, there are two separate log files generated:

where %USER% corresponds to the System.user folder

Sanitized logging

Several levels of logging are generated in the detailed log files:

Additional information is also captured in the log files corresponding to the steps in the publishing: