Prune MagicDraw Model

This option is used to reduced the size of a MagicDraw model in order to keep elements that matter at the end of a publication.

Pruning file configuration

The pruning file is based on a XML schema. Its entry point is a setup. A setup tag can contain a scope, an excluded, visitScopePolicies or visitReferencePolicies tags.

A scope tag defines what should be kept after the pruning. It contains a kind and an id tags. The allowed values for a kind tag are METACLASS, METACLASS_STRICT, STEREOTYPE_QN, QUALIFIED_NAME, XMIID. Depending of the kind chosen, fill the id as follow:

An excluded tag defines what should be excluded after the pruning. It contains a kind and an id tags. See the description of the two tags in the scope description

A visitScopePolicies tag defines that describes the rules to follow to navigate through a scope. It contains a applyOn, includeReferences or an excludeReferences tags. If no applyOn specified, the rules defined by the other tag applies on all scopes. includeReferences and excludeReferences tag can only be valued with:

A visitReferencePolicies tag defines that describes the rules to follow to navigate through the references. It contains a applyOn, includeReferences or an excludeReferences tags. If no applyOn specified, the rules defined by the other tag applies on all references. includeReferences and excludeReferences tag are described in the paragraph just before.

Prune sample provided

A sample is provided beside the file
This sample keeps in the model all activities, their references and their containers. All other elements are deleted.

Setting the Prune MagicDraw model property

The default value of the option in file:

# Determines the path to the prune configuration file. Default: empty string

If the MagicDraw model must be pruned, path to prune configuration file must be set in file:

# Determines the path to the prune configuration file. Default: empty string
md2rhp.magicdraw.prune.setup.path=<path to the pruning file>

If the md2rhp.magicdraw.prune.setup.path property is not set in the file, the property is set to an empty string, by default.