SysML Use Case Diagram Modeling Guidelines
The Use Case Diagram describes the usage of a system (subject) by its actors (environment) to achieve a goal, that is
realized by the subject providing a set of services to selected actors. OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML™) Version 1.6
The following guidelines apply:
- Actors with Attributes
- MagicDraw doesn’t Allow for Actors which have attributes.
- Actors with Properties are transformed to Classes
- Associations
- OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML™) Version 1.6
- SysML does not allow composite association between an actor and a use case.
- SysML does not allow an association (of any kind) between two actors.
- SysML does not allow an association (of any kind) between two use cases.
- Directed Associations:Use Case to Actor
- You can modify an association in Rhapsody from a Use Case to an Actor (One End). MagicDraw requires the relationship defined at both ends. The publisher has a fix to identify these relationships and transform them appropriately.

- The figure below shows an example of a directed association between a Use Case and an Actor on the left in the source tool. The right is the target tool.

- Include/Extend Relationships
- In MagicDraw there isn’t the label on the line for Include or Extend, it is a specific line type. The tool transforms the content as needed for MagicDraw but in order to display these labels on the diagram the publisher creates a Stereotype that can be displayed.