Flow Ports Visibility Transformation

In Rhapsody, property to set FlowPort visibility is "CPP_CG::Relation::DataMemberVisibility".
By default, visibility of FlowPort is set to "private" in Rhapsody, while it is set to "public" in MagicDraw.

By setting the option rhp2md.semantic.flow_ports.visibility.public in the publisher.properties file, All FlowPort visibilities will be set to "public".

Setting flow port visibility property

To transform Rhapsody FlowPort visibility (as defined in Rhapsody), set to following option in publisher.properties file:

# Determines whether Flow Port visibility is forced to public. Available values: true, false - default false

To force FlowPort visibility to "public", set to following option in publisher.properties file:
# Determines whether Flow Port visibility is forced to public. Available values: true, false - default false