Colors Transformation

The Publisher provides two options for color schema.

Preserve Original Rhapsody Colors and Style

When the user selects to Preserve Original Rhapsody Colors and Style, The following settings are preserved for diagrams from Rhapsody.

The constraints are as follows:

Use Standard MagicDraw Colors and Style

When the user selects to Use Standard MagicDraw Colors and Style, colors and styles are not transformed from Rhapsody.
MagicDraw default colors are styles will be applied.

Setting color property

To transform Colors and Styles from Rhapsody, set to following option in file:

# Determines whether Colors are transformed from Rhapsody. Available values: RhpColors, MDColors - default RhpColors

To keep MagicDraw Default Colors and Styles, set to following option in file:

# Determines whether Colors are transformed from Rhapsody. Available values: RhpColors, MDColors - default RhpColors